One of the most well-known modern examples of a claimed false flag is the attacks of September 11, 2001. The attacks of 9-11 are one of the most heavily debated geopolitical events in the last few decades. The mainstream narrative surrounding 9-11 claims that Osama bin Laden operated a
covert network of Muslim terrorists from a cave in the Middle East and was able to penetrate some of the most highly protected airspace in the world. This account says the Twin Towers in New York City collapsed because of the planes and the resulting fires. However, this official version of events has been debated endlessly in books, essays, conferences,
and documentaries seeking to uncover the truth about that fateful day. This collective movement of authors, researchers, engineers, architects, scholars, firefighters, and activists has become known as the 9-11 Truth Movement. Skeptical of the official narrative on 9-11, they've organized groups to challenge it, including architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth, firefighters for 9-11 Truth, pilots for 9-11 Truth,

The Conscious Resistance Network presents The Pyramid of Power - Chapter 14: The False Flag Deception

In this clip from the latest episode in our 17-part documentary series, Derrick Broze outlines the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Watch the full episode at ThePyramidOfPower.net