What advice would you have for folks that are watching that are all in on the exit and build strategy and they have friends in their freedom community, truth community that are still toeing the party line, that are involved in LP politics? Maybe they're excited about RFK Jr., which a lot of folks in our camp are.
or maybe even Trump, what advice would you give to them to help encourage their folks and their community to just abandon the politics, focus more heavily, or at least double down on the accident build strategy and not put all their hope in the political basket? What advice would you give for those folks?
Yeah, sure. So first off, I would recommend that your friends know they can download my book, How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State for free, theconsciousresistance.com slash how to, theconsciousresistance.com slash how to, to learn more about the ideas, first of all. And if you do have friends who are still playing the political game, I mean,

Long-time liberty activists John Bush and Derrick Broze discuss the benefits of Exit & Build strategy (inspired by Agorism) vs. politicking with the Libertarian Party.

They challenge LP members to focus on Exit & Build.

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No more partying. Party days are long over. God is central or we die. Period.

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Onn n oonn

🏄‍♂️ itt

PAtD Bi b le Aaahhh

Als banking instruments

Out there

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bond s check itt

In dorse iitt Yaaaa

🏄‍♀️. Oonn itt 🤟 n prosper 🙏🏼 goodvibe peeps

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