
In this clip from TCR Live #143, Derrick Broze breaks down the latest article from Alan MacLeod about the Israeli infiltration of American media. Derrick also talks about the Israeli intelligence networks infiltration of Big Tech firms.

Show Notes: https://theconsciousresistance.com/israel-media-bigtech/

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Man Derrick thanks for all your hard work. You deserve a Fuckin Pulitzer Prize, if it wasn't really bullshit and all that I mean. I went to my City Counsel meeting here In Huntsville Alabama and talked about the fluoride case and cited your articles and coverage of the trial, and I gave em the NTP study as well. I was So nervous bro Its been a while since i have been like heart beating fast nervous like that. Everyone was in suits and dresses and shit. I was on my lunch brake in my electrician work shit and work boots. I can honestly say though. I read genuine surprise on folks faces, audience and the 5 Old white Counselman and 1 young black Counsel Women , when i told them about the 5 points of IQ for children and that Arkansas and Israel have just yesterday and today stopped fluoridating their water or at least announced it. I told them io could tell they hadn't heard anything about it from the looks and everyone getting on their phone, lol. I said in this crazy world we live in now when no one trusts the news or their government this would be an amazing opportunity to show the people you do care about their health, and will act in the interest of the communities health. If they actually did their job without someone from the community forcing them too. what a show of faith a restoration of confidence. That was 3 weeks ago I'm gonna give em and check back in. I'll let ya know about it. Thanks for all you do sir. It fuckin matters. Man its nice to have solid work like yours when your trying to wake folks up. It is Very Important. I worry everyday for my Kids and family in this horrible system of poison food and water. I'm Just a Ex-con, Ex-junkie. I only really started my life 7 years ago. I'm super poor I cant do a lot for my kids in this world that seems to be hell fuckin bent on crushing them mind, body, and soul. man, I can't thank you enough for giving me a real working weapon to fight back with. Be good or be good at it. Don't go to Israel, for real. We don't want another, "Loffredo Situation". Tell him please that I said I'm glad he made it home safe. Take care big homie PEACE

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I am going to show your testimony to my sons. Both being harmed by these ignorant individuals. Ive felt my heart thumping so loud, I was sure the council heard it. Keep going. For our children and their children.

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NOVUS ORDO SECLO ="The New Orde of the Century".... That is them real motto! Does not going to happend, they should know this! Never learn from them own past!

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The revenge of the technology companies (the suspected.. Which is now apparently starting to become reality) This revenge comes after WWII. This revenge comes after WWII, after 6million (This number will be about that in the eyes of Adolf Hitler had to be 'cleaned up', because they were on their way to wipe out the world under their supervision (depopulation). That is their revenge that (apparently becomes reality). The leaders of this people, even lie about the Torah to their own people. They know that God is good... But under their understanding they make a satan out of the real God. They claim that God finds everything okay, but that is not true! God has clearly given instructions to the people 'Thou shalt not kill'... And they lie about the rest of the books that belong to the Torah... But the leaders even want to play God, and then everything makes as if all the puzzles fall into place. It is sad to say it... But it becomes more true what the suspected already started in 2019 for me... So let yourself be informed about these kinds of clubs also 8100 & talpiot or taulpiot... Because these people are serious what they want to achieve with this world. Total chaos (zionism), Sodom & Gomorrah which is already evident with those many types of sick cultures over time introduce to the common man... So hereby warned!

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