
On January 31 2024, journalist Derrick Broze interviewed Dr. Howard Hu regarding his testimony at the 2nd phase of the Fluoride lawsuit. Dr. Hu physician-scientist, internist and preventive medicine specialist, with a doctoral degree in epidemiology. Dr. Hu is also a Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences at the University of Southern California.

Derrick will be in San Francisco until February 14th to report on the ongoing Fluoride Lawsuit. Follow his coverage at TheConsciousResistance.com

Donate to the crowdfunding for the Fluoride Lawsuit: https://www.givesendgo.com/fluoridetrial

Discussion about this video

The trial is focusing on the pre- and post-natal neurotoxic impact (baby brain-poison) because they had to pick a hill to stand on under TSCA and pregnant women and bottle-fed babies are a defined "susceptible sub-population", but there is much more science on the harm to bodies, brains and bones.

I was glad Dr. Hu slipped a comment in about the indirect of fluoride on brain function via its impact on thyroid function. This was during cross examination and the Defense attorney shut that down, but it is critical. When the mother's hormones are suppressed due to fluoride, that has an adverse effect on offspring brain development. Ditto for the bottle-fed baby.

Also he slipped in that fluoride levels are higher in the 3rd trimester because of maternal bones releasing calcium and other contents for use by baby. The only reason there is fluoride in maternal bones is because a lot of what is consumed is stored there, and it is NOT good for the bone. The body sequesters fluoride in bone in order to PROTECT body from its toxic impact on organs.

Science: https://www.fluoridelawsuit.com/science

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Thank you Derrick.

Reduce the decline in tooth health by disrupting life-long brain function: more folks out there cheerleading the $teeth than those advocating for the smallest humans. .... and remember "public/private partnerships" is a euphemism for corruption, bribery, wolf guarding the henhouse. Harlow

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