This year I did more than 100 interviews on both sides of the camera.
Here are my favorites for 2024. Most of them are me interviewing people, but some are me being interviewed.
1. The Fluoride Lawsuit Interviews
Dr. Howard Hu Discusses His Testimony at The #Fluoridelawsuit
Dr. Bruce Lanphear Speaks Out Against Corrupted Fluoride Science
Dr. Phillipe Grandjean Exposes The History Of Fluoride’s Harms
Fighting the Forces Behind Fluoride – An Interview with Attorney Michael Connett
Meet One of the Mom’s Suing the EPA Over Water Fluoridation #FluorideLawsuit
Explaining the Historic Ruling in the Fluoride Lawsuit, What Comes Next, & How You Can Help
2. The Adoption Industry Complex
The Child Catchers and the Adoption-Industrial Complex with Kathryn Joyce
How Saving Our Sisters Supports Families Impacted By The Adoption Industry
Exposing the Adoption Truth & Supporting Those In Need
3. (S)election 2024
Is Donald Trump The “Lesser Of Two Evils”? with Derrick Broze & Ian Carroll
Don’t Vote? So What’s Your Solution? The Way Forward featuring Derrick Broze
4. Conscious Musicians
Since the beginning of my work I've loved highlighting conscious musicians.
Punks Not Dead! Total Chaos Still Fighting The System After 30 Years
Empowering And Waking Up The People With DubfX
Prezence: Spreading Liberty and Natural Law Through Music
5. Important Interviews on a range of topics:
David Icke Exposes the Mainstream Alternative Media, the Zionist Lobby, & Jesse Ventura
How Bitcoin Was Hijacked, Why We Need Darkness, & Lessons from the Syrian Civil War with Amir Taaki
Protecting Your Privacy On Your Phone And Laptop With Hakeem Anwar
Political Parties or Exit & Build: Choose Your Path with John Bush
He’s EXPOSING the truth of the Oklahoma City bombing (Derrick Broze on Redacted)
The Activation #30: Optimizing Your Nutrition To Heal Your Body With Patrick Holford
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Just listened to the adoption industry complex interview … im 55 and I’ve known a quite unfortunate large amount of women who were molested and abused and eventually in some cases abandoned by their adoptive family. And I’ve known women who were highly coerced into giving up their child, then went on to a lifetime of extreme grief. The excessive one sided coercion is probably more of a problem than a lot of Christians realize. Esp when a minor child is impregnated and placed into foster homes. But then you end up on a comment section and video of people talking about young women murdering their babies. But you can’t put that accusation on to any woman just because she expressed concern about how she would make it. But, honestly if I knew a woman or a minor who was unsure about giving a child up for adoption, I would tell her not to do it. Only if she was 100% sure that she wanted to do it, should she do it. And I’d warn her that she can’t trust open adoption scenarios. And I’d warn her about the Nefarious possibilities.