Spot on. This is exactly what happens every time a new false prophet is appointed as puppet head of state.

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I can't believe people are falling for this political theater and the fake archetypal role being played by Drumpf. IT's SO CLEAR his role is to lead us into the 4IR and NWO (isra)hell. Will humanity begin to wake up, turn off the programming and "Bread and circus", start seeking the truth and regain their critical thinking skills in time? Will people realize how deep, ancient and spiritual all of this truly is? I pray every day for awakening...and love to see young awakened fighters like yourself Derrick!

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I would agree Derrick. On top of that ALL his appointees are zionists...ALL.

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The past administration destroyed our country and what we stand for and I guess you're OK with that! HYPOCRITE

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Yea and Trump will continue that legacy and make you poorer.

Bob, take your meds, an elderly man like you should be fishing not on the internet

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43 is not old and it certainly makes me much wiser knowing Trump will make our country and economy great again.

Apparently you're a Jew hater.

Go troll someone that gives a damn!

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Community gardening I think is an ideal local organizing tool neighbor to neighbor.. Or added an NGO sending trained garden organizers to help communities build them.

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Very practical suggestion!

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Gardening 12 years in urban SF.

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You are on the right track. How much experience do you have with gardening and the small farmer ‘movement’?

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I was a paid subscriber to one of the Old Glory Club members who was excellent and correct on almost every issue that he cover3d. Then the past year with the presidential election he went all in on Trump, saying" he's not perfect but he's a better option ". He copes so hard that he won't take any criticism at all of Trump and calls it "black-pilling " as if every dodgy appointment Trump announces is some 5-d chess move. I can no longer listen to him or many others. It's ridiculous.

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This aged well so far

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Well...the people once again were given only Elite (Israel) puppets to chose from.

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What can you expect from a species that extorts itself for permission to share a planet NONE of us actually own through capitalism specifically real estate 🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏾‍♀️🕵🏻🕵🏾.

Instead of organizing national and a planetary rent strike.

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It is a Histronical Worldwide Theatre Role for many would bes if they could be be. 1,000% BS.

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The disturbing spectacle of people marching into their smart prisons yelling "Free-dom-cities, Free-dom-cities... 🥁" seems to 'line up' accordingly to our upside down cartoon world.

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First thought I had glancing at a local MSM headline “Trump inaugurated with Big Tech CEOs and corporate leaders” is that we are witnessing an unified front that 90 years ago was Fascism

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Yeah, there is no paradigm between political ideologies except the ones we conjure through mass appeals to our emotions.

Australia is certainly full steam ahead on its Whole-of-Society and Whole-of-Government agenda implementations.

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Luckily there are no oligarchs supporting the democrats.

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The System has become extremely efficient at skimming off the "value-added" from the workers and sending it to the bank accounts of the gangsters at the top of the pyramid. This will not change under Trumpenstein.

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Right on point

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The war is bombing us from above daily, continually, 24/7.

My main concern is for freedom of health, so...

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