I don't trust Donald Trump, Elon Musk nor Alex Jones, RFK, Jr., none of them, they are all controlled!

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The list shouldn't stop there, but I get what you're saying.

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I trust RFK

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DISGUSTING add to that ALL THE PEOPLE NOW PROMOTING or believing in Trump and this gaggle of Zionist globalist swamp monsters not coming in on ANOTHER RIGGED ELECTION nothing has changed at all .ALL SELECTED OFFICIALS MUST TAKE AN OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE TERRORIST NATION STATE OF ISRAEL .

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Same can be said about David Icke imho who takes a different angle and is supposedly in 'opposition' to Jones but in reality is playing tag team with him:


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I don't see that at all. Icke has consistently called out Musk and Jones for a while now.

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He may have and has done the same about the likes of Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan but the way I interpret that, it was mainly to get them to bring him on their shows for a "debate".

In the case of Alex Jones it has proven successful:


With regards to Musk, he does criticise him a lot prima facie and yet he gives him money (once for his account and once for his media company Ickonic).

Talk is cheap or as the saying goes:

"Money talks and BS walks".

Have you seen these two docos made about him awhile back:



If so, what did you think?

There are also accusations that he plagiarised this 2006 book:


I am not 100% convinced on this and am not stating he did indeed do that but can definitely see some of these aspects repeated in some of his later books written well after 2006, including "The Dream".

Again, your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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"With regards to Musk, he does criticise him a lot prima facie and yet he gives him money (once for his account and once for his media company Ickonic)."

Do you have evidence of that? People like me (And many others) were given the blue checks for free, without asking. I dont give twitter a dime or receive money from them.

I have seen the bill cooper videos. It's not really much in the way of evidence.

He just doesnt like the reptilian part of Icke's message - which is fine, but not evidence of being controlled.

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Thank you for sharing these links! I'm gonna go ahead and get a physical copy of "Not in His Image" This is part of our history and we all should be willing to learn the truth! Were these ancient Gnostic and spiritual practices really all that bad according to Christianity? And did early Christians and Christianity purposely suppress this ancient knowledge from the masses inorder to get a foot hold over the masses inorder to take control and brainwash the masses into submission? It seems like to me that Gnostic spirituality and these other spiritual practices encouraged people to be independent and take responsibility for their lives through taking the right actions and directing their own lives in a positive direction, which Christianity is the opposite of, telling people to wait around for a "savior!" As far as David Icke goes, I'm still on the fence about him!

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Bill Cooper also called out Icke on several occasions. He may have 'reformed' himself somewhat in recent years (no longer talking about the "lizard people" etc) but I doubt he changed completely:


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Thanks for the reminder about JLL’s “Not In His Image” book. I started reading it years ago but it’s been stuck on my bookshelf (it’s pretty dense reading). Now I plan to return to it and finally finish it.

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I dont agree about ICKE at all he is the real deal all the way

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People need to understand they are allowed to do these things to fool people into thinking it is organic.

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I agree. but I think the whole court case and censorship was by design.

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How did that entire township get their mortgages paid off ?

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The list of who to trust is growing smaller by the day, slowing crossing them off and out of my sphere. Listened to a conversation online by Dr Malik & Dr Ruby, they're still on my list as are you Derrick :-)

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You’re a decade or so behind the curve.

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I have a very simple criteria for trusting and that is if they uphold free speech, they're in. If they censor, they're out. I've never known Alex Jones to censor, which means he allows all views, however he was married to a Rothschild so that puts a dubious quality to his authenticity. I say "upholds free speech" because it's a positive term. It's amazing to me how many people are shabby about freedom of speech for others but of course, they like to have it for themselves. The thing is we have to support it for everyone. I believe this will counter the censorship. Derrick I notice you always stand by free speech and I appreciate your work very much.

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Virtually anyone with power has an agenda. And that is most of the time to obtain more power, fame and fortune. These clowns all want enough so there will be some to take with them into the next life. And they will be all powerful if their dreams of unbounded technocracy come to fruition.

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Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.

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Gtfo with that nonsense 😒. You're embarrassing all of us.

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Jesus-lon is a poster boy for the Elites Globalist Agenda. Look it up. weforum.org under Partners and under Members. Elon’s name was on the members list AND the Young Global Leaders List AND SpaceX is a Corporate partner.

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It's amazing that Ian Miles Cheong has rapidly energed as the grifter extraordinare and Elon's chief whip.

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As usual, Bill Cooper was way way ahead of the game on this topic too


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Yes a sellout

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He's losing his shit.....

Like his sponsor, Elon.

Adios 😜

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Derrick, all things begin and end with the money controllers of the world. After all, why would Switzerland ever bow to the AGENDA 2030 C40 SMART city BS ? You do not see Bern, Geneva, Davos signing onto to the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives do you ? https://stopthecrime.net/toxicsky/index.html

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