Derrick how do you think things will go with this fluoride issue? Do you think that they will continue poisoning our water with this chemical or will they stop putting fluoride in city water? Do you feel that the outcome will be positive?

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FWIW: I think the EPA will fight it tooth and nail because disposing of the fluoridation products which are waste products of industry is really expensive and difficult to police. The Dental Mafia partners of the EPA have another reason: the fluoride mythology is profitable to dentists and to Pharma.

Ultimately, the state and municipal legislatures have the authority to end it, so what needs to happen is for people of good conscience to bring the output from this trial to their state and local decision makers. Derrick's interviews with plaintiff witnesses like the CHD articles are great tools to substantiate yourself.

Remember what Erin Brockovich says, "Superman is not coming!" .... we each have to do it ourself!

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Yes I agree with you Maggie! The dental mafia and big Pharma will definitely fight tooth(pun intended🙂)and nail to keep fluoride in city water because it's profitable! Nothing like this is never about the health of the public! But I sure hope that Derricks work makes a difference in getting the ball rolling with stopping fluoridation of the water supply! I don't drink city tap water because it's pure poison! I drink filtered spring water!

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Any idea of the public water systems nationally that could be impacted and the cost to change purification by ozonation? Which company should I get ready to get a good return by investing?

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Any idea of the public water systems nationally that could be impacted and the cost to change purification by ozonation? Which company should I get ready to get a good return by investing?

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Is this a good address to drop you a small check?

Derrick Broze

548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104

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No, not sure where you got that address from. I dont live in San Francisco. My PO Box is listed here though: https://www.theconsciousresistance.com/invest

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Is this a good address to drop you a small check?

Derrick Broze

548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104

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Is this a good address to drop you a small check?

Derrick Broze

548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104

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this is going to be interesting......

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