Happy 40th!! It only gets better the older you get. Don’t believe the paradigm that getting old is bad! I am 56 and am in my best decade ever!! ❤️

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Happy Birthday, Derrick! I just had my first success purchasing a ticket! NOW comes the hard part. How to book flights and board. 😥🥴. Anyone?

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Happy Birthday, fellow Voluntaryist, many more and each more challenging and FULLfilling.

“First let a man teach himself, and then he will be taught by others. There are many men who fancy they understand whatever they experience. All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, until they take root in our personal experience. As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I hope you will reconsider and join me in criticizing and calling out Matthew Ehret for his aiding and abetting the Crimes Against Humanity by the CCP.

You can confront Matthew personally as a TLAVer and ask him to justify his promotion of the CCP as I think you should to be a genuine, no double standards, Voluntaryist.

Read his own words on promoting the CCP. He should be challenged by those of us who care for the Innocent Individual over the Criminal Collective. My collection of these Crimes and his words are here

MUSEUM OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BY THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY (CCP) MAO TO XI--Holding Ideologues Aiding and Abetting the CCP Morally Accountable. Nov 16, 2024


Once again, Happy Birthday, get free, stay free.

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Dec 1Edited

Happy 40th birthday Derrick! 🎂

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Happy birghtday..

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