Amen Derrick

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Also agree with you, Trump is not to be trusted. He signed the federalist papers. He will do what he’s told, limited in power. Elon is pushing us further into technological control of the planet. This is not sustainable for us, we will all end up with cancer from all the radiation omitted. Our country is not sovereign we are controlled by entities that wish to destroy humanity. You will find the truth on Juxtaposition1 on Substack. Watch and learn, we are almost at 7g which means more control. JFK said “Monolithic” , he tried to stop these entities but as you can see they murdered him gladio style.

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Radiation emitted. We only wish that it was omitted.

Leuren Moret. Leorenmoret.info if ya dont have enough rabbit holes yet, to explore.

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Agree, but hope he does what he did before on pulling out of UN/WHO. Everything is so confusing and I believe on purpose. I never liked Elon, he is one smart man or should I say devilish man. Smart cities are still moving along. I remember reading an article a few years back where aids to Governor DeSantis had said he does not want a smart city, but a smart state. I do feel this will at least slow down the beast and prepare. Pelosi brought the Earth Summit to floor in 1992. Maurice Strong pushed a lot of this and just speculations, but on January 6th I did not know until a few months back that FBI released JFK documents on her father and Mafia ties. Then JFK's warning to expose a plan to enslave every man, woman and child, then seen where he had Mafia ties. Fast forward to now we still are not out of the woods, a lot can still happen. Jan 15th Port guy comes back to the table and he had Mafia ties back in 2005. Then back to Maurice Strong's comment: What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?.. Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? Pelosi just got her 19th term. A lot of people have said all the people are gone, just release the rest. Pelosi is not, I feel she will die for an agenda. Just thoughts, crazy or not, we all have them. LOL. Take care and thank you for your hard work

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I agree. But, this is all happening outside of our realm. Its got to be.

I like listening to Jeff Berwick and want so badly to join his community in Mexico. These are fallen evil entities we are feeling and seeing. Its like living in a land mine with every step we take.

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Spiritual warfare, Biden/Harris running on "Battle for the soul of the Nation" made me perk up and pay attention. I really enjoy reading substacks, people are able to express their takes on things happening. I enjoy reading comments there are always room to grow and learn new things everyday. But I leave the ones when I see people disrespecting other peoples comments, we all have to come to our own conclusions. Not all people are pervy to other resources, nor do many care. Following narratives can be dangerous if you don't verify. I had never heard of Jeff Berwick and now I will have to check him out. Thank you, God Speed.

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