Wow. Good for you for opting out of those machines. Strange questions they asked you about!

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Well done. Our so called border force is a sham really. They do nothing to stop the small boats crossing the Channel yet put on this charade at our airports. Plane loads of people returning from holidays in the Med get made to feel guilty while the south coast is wide open.

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Unbelievable, as well as shameful. On behalf of non-totalitarian Britain - welcome!

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Good for you for standing your ground. Most people in the UK are sleepwalking into this, due to a love of convenience. Even "freedom minded" people allow themselves to be filmed at supermarket checkouts. I always refuse this, but I'm increasingly finding myself protesting alone.

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Welcome to the UK! I had a similar, although less lengthy, experience leaving my own country a few days ago when I refused to go through the newly installed body scanners at Stansted. Keep up the good fight!

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This is now the West. Intimidating and using force and fear on the populace. Western nations in decline. You reap what you sow.

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Welcome to the satanic state of britain

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I would be interested to hear how you handled this to get through without succumbing to the facial recognition and getting detained for longer. I live in Japan but I am British and will need to go through immigration in the future.

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Well, that was an apt "welcome" by the state - they probably know what you folks are here to do & activate! Look forward to seeing you Sunday, I'm just there for day 3. And a warm real welcome, glad you could bring your work here.

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I'm so glad you are all ok.

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The UK Establishment is SCUM. Nuke The City of London please 🙏 Russia! ...after you've left! 😃

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Britain is notorious for its well-established paedophile culture so that may have triggered one of the zionist baby buggers in government to try to intimidate you and send the message that you are not welcome.

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Enjoy the remainder of your “determination”.

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More terrorism in plain sight.

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UK is Zionist State and getting worst. Conservatives and Rishi Rats were pro Israel and worked for Zionists but Labour Kid Starver took it to another level of Police State and Zionism because Like Dr David Miller exposed Starmer and most Labour members were paid by Israel and are pro-Israel. No wonder they detain all journalists who expose Israel heinous crimes and detail all journalists who support Palestinians and stand against the genocide unfolding in front of our eyes! THE END is near and Zionists who are leaving in millions will eventually all go back to where their DNA comes from.

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yep. only all ways doin' what you are here to do! thank you.

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