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Derrick I'm sorry that you spent any time in jail. I think jail is such a barbaric and retarded thing for a culture to do, especially to addicts or people who don't harm others. I simply wish to make it clear that the trauma comes from the money system because the money system being born of debt, creates an artificial scarcity. Now what do you do when you feel something is scarce? You hoard. You think of yourself, your survival. So this anxiety has been put on us Derrick deliberately through the money system. If money were done right, people wouldn't need to hustle to get it. They wouldn't need to coerce others. Nature is naturally abundant but the monetary system deliberately turns that around and forces an artificial scarcity on all of us and that makes us do bad things, even for those who don't want to. Without this money system, there would be no need for corporations to poison us to make more money, to cheat us into buying their products. The entire mindscape would be totally different. The trauma comes directly or indirectly from the money system. The trauma will be healed when we get out of this money system. I'd like to see activists spending a good deal of their talks talking about this. It is ignored almost totally or made excuses for, and yet it is the elephant in the room.

I think all you say is spot on. Change though needn't take much time. I agree we have to build "parallel systems" so we have a replacement for the systems we don't like and that are causing all the trauma to us and the environment. What if we were to also choose to use a secondary calendar? I recommend the 13 moon calendar because it is easy and it has an infrastructure already built. I believe that adopting a cyclical calendar will enable us to be more in tune with nature and thus, experience more clarity. Don't think it needs to take a lifetime, we could instigate change this year. I do have a plan and I'd be happy to explain it to anyone who asks.

Great talk Derrick and thank you sincerely for all the great work you do.

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