GeoEngineering is happening, but they call it an "experiment" at this time so they can deny it is happening. Contrails are not geoengineering as they are just condensation and ice crystals. However, for all we know, chemicals, invisible from the ground, may be dispersed simultaneously. You cannot experiment to determine the effects of aerosol injections without actually doing it at on a scale required to produce a result!

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Just like mRNA injections were an experiment. And both are desperately wrong and deadly.

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Companies are already registered with NOAA. Some are government funded. Make Sunsets. Contrails.org. See Saveourskies.org. The latest episode of TheHighwire.com covers it.

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Geoengineering or what ever term they want to use is deadly wrong because the premise for employing it is deadly wrong. There is NO man made global warming and any other warming is natural and need not be contained in any way. Forget global governance in any form for any reason as this is code for DEPOPULATION....yet another of these globalist's goofy experiments.

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