Derrick, how dare you ruin the election for people. We had someone to support and you have ruined our hopes and dreams by sharing the truth about trump. Now, I will do what I have done since 1980; not vote.
Thanks for this. Tried to post the TLAV article but living in Kanuckistan I was not allowed to post 'news' by my overlord: Blackface. I could post this stack much for their 'smart' tech, AI and algorithms. Who wouldn't want to live in a world envisioned by scientists, engineers, and other technical experts? I married into this club and know firsthand that many (most) are borderline autistic. Which is totally fine. Just let them stick to designing bridges and not let them 'design the future'. It will collapse. It's a joke. Their plans can NOT become reality. Collapse will be fast and furious. We're only starting to see the beginning. The emperor is naked.
Derrick, how dare you ruin the election for people. We had someone to support and you have ruined our hopes and dreams by sharing the truth about trump. Now, I will do what I have done since 1980; not vote.
Not voting is the moral choice.
Thanks for this. Tried to post the TLAV article but living in Kanuckistan I was not allowed to post 'news' by my overlord: Blackface. I could post this stack much for their 'smart' tech, AI and algorithms. Who wouldn't want to live in a world envisioned by scientists, engineers, and other technical experts? I married into this club and know firsthand that many (most) are borderline autistic. Which is totally fine. Just let them stick to designing bridges and not let them 'design the future'. It will collapse. It's a joke. Their plans can NOT become reality. Collapse will be fast and furious. We're only starting to see the beginning. The emperor is naked.
Nothin for it but to burn or compost my ballot and head for Venus.
This place is OVER I guess, according to everybody's FEAR.
😱 😱 😱