Spot on, I think Steiner also pointed out that this moment in history (as every other in the pst) is absolutely necessary for human awakening… We all have a role to play and I hope more and more fellow humans open their eyes to the truth. Thank you Derrick, god bless 🙏

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Well I don't think that the majority of humans are waking up! Many Americans still vote and believe that their votes count and matter in a system where every president is pre-selected by the globalist controllers according what agenda that they want carried out! Their goal is to bring down America and what better way to accomplish that then to install a leader that will polarize the people in the most dividing way possible with that being "racism", "nazis" and "white supremacy!" In America we didn't hear any of that shit until Trump got in the White House! We have to ask ourselves why?? Obummer and Michelle(big Mike) set the stage for that when Michelle spoke as first Lady when Obummer first got in the White House! I listened and raised my eyebrows when Michelle started talking about "slavery" I thought "why in the hell is she talking about "slavery" that ended over 100 years ago??🤷‍♀️ They were planting the "racism seeds back then! So America has its first black president and black first family! Then next Trump gets in and he's suddenly labeled a "racist", "nazi", "white supremists" and every Trump supporter is a "nazi" and "white supremist!" Why??? I mean Bush, Sr and Bush, Jr were also white men as was Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan! Why in the hell weren't they all called "racists", "nazis", and "white supremists" too???🤷‍♀️ No the human race is not having a "Great Awakening" its more like a "Great Deception!" The majority of humanity( especially Americans)can't critically think nor think for themselves! The shit show shenanigans of this weekends staged assassination attempt is proof that Americans are still fast asleep! 🤦‍♀️ and the controllers of this planet really do believe that humanity is that stupid, the majority anyway! All that this weekends shit show is gonna accomplish is to just make Donald Trump more popular and gain more support! And it's working too! People are already saying "it's an act of God that Trump's life was saved" "God installed Trump to do His Work"🤦‍♀️ I'm glad that Trump was not killed! If they wanted him dead Trump would be dead! They would have gotten a trained marksman or markswoman, trained operative assassin to take Trump out! There's plenty of places in that place that a highly trained operative could hide, do the job and get out quietly, quickly and efficiently before anybody knew where the shooting came from! But people are going to start seeing Trump as their "savior sent by God/Jesus" now! To save America! That's dangerous thinking! Americans will start worshipping Trump! Now I say God help us! Because Americans are gonna need help!

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Hi Amii I hope you feel less frustrated by now, don’t get me wrong I share your frustration as well. Even if I’m not “American” I like to follow American politics because everything that happens over there has consequences in my country (as well as many others, I can imagine) I don’t engage in politics for obvious reasons, but we all have a role to play in our own families, communities, schools, etc… One of the things I appreciate the most about Derrick’s content (and others like Larken Rose and James Corbett) is their focus on solutions. There’s plenty of darkness going on in the world right now, and sadly, most of it we cannot control. One of the things that have been useful for me is defining my own truths and values. I’ve written them down, and then I have committed myself to draw a line in the sand where, all I consider to be true and valuable for me remains important and ought to be respected by me, my own words, and actions, and decisions MUST be aligned to respect and follow these truths. I know this might look small, but it’s harder than you may think. And even if it’s the only thing I get to do in this lifetime, I think, it will have positive consequences not only in my life, but in the lives of the people around me. When we look out into the world we may feel overwhelmed by the amount and level of evil our “authorities” are capable of. But it’s gonna get worse before it gets better, that’s why it’s so important our commitment to do and be active in how we choose to live our lives, because it matters. I live in the land known as Chile, and my priority right now is to be informed about the evil agendas all around us, so that I can have perspective and a bigger vantage point from where to place myself in the world ( if that makes sense) Have a very clear definition of what I consider to be true and valuable, and act accordingly. I think the time will come when all of us will have to make huge and very important decisions. In the meantime I’m going to practice with smaller ones, so when the time comes, I am used to it, I am very clear on my beliefs and have the strength and courage to act accordingly. I really hope you find peace and hope in what you can do, so that we can inspire or at least be a living proof that a different way of life is possible. Cheers from the pacific Amii 💓

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The Great Inversion, aka The Demiurge...

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this sounds about right, what they’re up to… also why you see “X” everywhere, representing the masculine/feminine. they’re into the occult, hermetics, symbolism is their preferred communication.

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Of course they're into the occult, numerology/Gematria! All of the mystery schools teachings! The first thing I said when this shit show took place "well they did this on the 13th" 13 is a huge number in occult knowledge! They love the number 13! This weekend's shenanigans was a huge energy harvest for these occultists! They love this sort of thing! The more, shock, horror, fear, anger and strong emotional reaction that they get from masses of people the more they love it because it's more of an energy harvest for them! People need to learn what and who these globalists controllers of this planet actually are!

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I’ve been thinking this way for a while now, but lacked the words to express it as well as you have.

But I do have to disagree with this idea of bringing yet another name to fear and be aware of—a friend of the devil that no one has ever heard of? We’re still back at “Is Tucker Carlson good or bad?”

So, no. Just no. People are confused enough. And they’re tired of new words and terms and theories. “Great Inversion” is a bridge too far. So, let’s just get down to basics here. If we want to help humanity, avoid the introduction of concepts that the average person can’t digest. We’re all exhausted.

It doesn’t matter if Trump or Tucker are Patriots. There are only two words we must focus on for the time being: depopulation and reorganization. They are two concepts that we must comprehend because they affect us in the very short term.

Depopulation has begun through Covid and vaccination, dirty food, etc. Reorganization has begun in earnest, as is so easy for anyone to see.

Trump being a traitor doesn’t change this. Trump being a savior doesn’t change this. Humanity coming together and defeating the Deep State, is now, and always has been, the only solution. Tucker is not going to part the Red Sea. Trump isn’t going to walk on water—even if they were on our side.

Jesus is not coming down to save us either. If he were, he would have showed up first at the concentrations camps eighty years ago and freed the lines of people who were waiting in front of the gas chambers. He merely watched from his perch in the sky.

Let’s keep this simple: depopulation and reorganization. If we can get through the killing fields and then our potential enslavement, we can worry later about evil forces we cannot see.

Most people don’t even understand we are being depopulated. Telling them the Devil has a friend is not going to help us help ourselves. Telling them not to take the vax? That’s helpful.

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I agree! Americans are going to have to join together and we defeat the deep state ourselves! Jesus needs to stay where he's at because what was done to him the first time was horrible, getting tortured and strung up on a cross! I don't even want to imagine or think about what they would do to Jesus a second time if He came back down! Much worse I'm sure! People need to start thinking and asking themselves "why do they work soo hard to keep us people divided and hating each other?" That's the answer!😉 "Why do they lie to us all the time?" If people would unite together then they lose! That's why Trump is in, because he's doing a fantastic in dividing the people! It's the old "Divide and Conquer" strategy!

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What about the criticism of Rudolf Steiner that he was a luciferian occultist?

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Who criticizes him as this? I have not read his works. But I've study a lot of commentary on him. It seems that the consensus is that he clearly defined both Luciferianism and Ahirmanism, as well as Christ Consciousness. I've never heard anyone say Steiner was in support of anything but Christ Consciousness, but he clearly defined the other two for the purpose of discriminatory awareness and spiritual advancement.

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Thanks for the reply

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Perceptive. As I have been reminding myself and others for years the best way to understand the narrative is to flip it over and look at it from another dimension and direction. The civilizational hierarchy we accept as civilized continues to dazzle us with their many ringed circus.

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Tuckers got a new sponsor, "pure talk" telecoms with "brilliant coverage" of the new cancer causing 5G infrastructure, run by veterans! Hmmmm. DoD anyone?

So instead of Vaccines (fox) it's telemedicine now. (X)

Yet he's opposed to the CBDC's which requires 5G , and "never got" the link in Revelations,far to much creepy country and western for me. (Have you seen the vid urgghh) Looks like a Jim Jones nightmare.

An obvious DC anglophone, erm, I mean anglophobe.

And mocking Archangel Michael.....with a WWF wrestler, even I wouldn't dare do that.

Not good, not good at all.

Tuckers out, along with all of Elons peeping Tom bitches.

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Derrick you are on fire brother and 💯 spot on! Everything that you said in this article I feel 💯 in my bones and soul too! I mean this other "being" that Steiner mentions that's like Lucifer, I'm not familiar with but I understand the concept and what this "being" is about, to me this "being" is representing "2 different wings on the same rotten bird" or "2 different sides on the same worthless coin 🪙!" I don't trust Trump! I've listened to his speeches and tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but, to me, he's trying too hard to come across as genuine, authentic and trustworthy! I just think that he's really trying to rub in that he's just a really "good patriotic guy that loves America and loves American values!" Trump has convinced the majority of Americans that he's one of us! No he's not! Trump is a billionaire and can buy and pay for anything he wants! Trump doesn't understand the daily struggles of regular people in America! Trump is doing the bidding of the "globalist controllers" and he will be protected by the globalist when America falls and he will help the globalists enslave Americans when everything is said and done! I see a civil war coming when he gets back in office! Trump is a "divider" and if people can't see it then they dumb as well as blind and deaf! Trump is promising to do all kinds of things for America that he will never deliver! I think Trump will appear to be doing good things for America but at the same time, through under the table actions and deals, will be selling America and Americans out to the globalist controllers at the same time in the long run! My impression of Trump whenever I listen to any of his speeches is "if it sounds and just feels like it's too good to be true, then it usually is!" With Trump I feel like I'm listening to a used car salesman trying to sell me an old used, but reliable, putting the emphasis on "reliable" piece of shit and why I need that old car for "reliability!" 🤷‍♀️

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Brilliant synopsis of the current psycho/social/spiritual milieu…kudos to you sir…you and Alexandra keep up the good work….also, keep diving deeper into Steiner…he was one of the truly prescient minds of the last few hundred years.

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Do you consider yourself enslaved or free? In either case — or if it’s not either/or but both & more — how do you epistemologically justify your answer?

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yep. only all ways. truth aka infinite love cannot ever do harm. that's meinyoubaby! i wuv you

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No matter the messiah, and if there was any true human messiah he would be instantly crucified to death, there is still government. That is the greatest common denominator. Every "new" savior must filter his life/freedom saving agenda through the wretched and unholy government. That is why a slave you are and a slave you shall remain. We are all rowing in the manner of Roman slave #41.

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