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Excellent Analysis and commentary. Thank you Derrick.

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Best description of what did happen and all other possibilities I've heard to date. Thank you, Mr Broze.

Also, your presentation seemed honest and very straight forward, and completely free of political prejudice. Once again, thank you

One thing I find impossible to accept is that Trump was just an actor in a written script. Sorry, but that bullet was way too close. No one would risk life this closely for any election. Especially not Trump. That guy has big plans.

It is also impossible to understand the horrible job Trump's security did. Anyone would have had an agent on each of these rooftops closer than 1000 yards. A good sniper can make longer shots. Security???

Even as close as the shooter was, this is not an easy shot. It requires skill and practice with the weapon used, as well as a calm and confident attitude. Of course, the shooter could have been equally as lucky hitting anything, as Trump was, not getting hit a half inch to the right. Luck???

Visually, I question why a short woman protected Trump side between where he was and where the shots were coming from. Lacks professional decision making. Certainly this team has someone in charge to decide on a dime where to place the bodies protecting the target. Again, Security???

And, finally, why did the shooter have to be killed?

Although I fully appreciate the instinct that decides to shoot any shooter, a really skilled professional can pick his shots (at that range) and quickly incapaciate a target.

Who do we question or blame here? Hard to decide.

Finally, we need to look closer at the news media that reported absurdities like "Trump falls at rally in PA". How can this be justified in any way? Investigating these news corporations could be more than interesting. Attitude?

Political bigotry?

Please don't stop here. Voices of reason and truth will be valuable until we have clear and satisfactory answers.

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agree 100%. comparison for contrast is a good way to do it too. I am old enough to remember this well, and there are a Lot of similarities. https://odysee.com/@Qwinten:b/DEEP-STATE-SHOOTING-OF-RONALD-REAGAN---John-Judge:d

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Very well analyzed... 👏 Thank you for tsking the time to attempt to set this BS straight !

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