It’s been going on for decades, but somehow it’s always presented as “the brand new thing” we are thinking of trying.

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Over the past several centuries, unions have always been created by-way-of the same carefully-created conditions (fear & terror) and bullshit excuses (to protect the little guy). Yet it never fails, and history clearly demonstrates this: that as soon as “the majority poor people” are suffered and weakened enough, they always fall right into the trap of Unification, such as the European Union and United Nations. It’s nonsense, of course, and so are the suffrage-tools and wars that trick the Vaccinated, brainwashed sheeple to accept this New World Order power structure. In the end, the majority—by population—always get squeezed out of all “real” decision-making processes by the minority 1% under the auspices of “security.” The Schwab, Gates, Rockefeller & Rothschild ultra-wealthy, who buy up all of our politicians, then create all of our problems—such as global warming, militarized virus and terrorist attacks—then create organizations like the UN, WEF and the WHO to make it all better. These monsters have clearly demonstrated their desires to impose a “one-world government” of controls, and the majority sheep keep submitting as “they” continue to strip us of all power, one fear-event after another. Clearly, the less-than 1% will never yield to the demands of the majority, and their illegal private governments and bought politicians, courts and Justice Departments continue to aid and abet them for total control over ours. Can anyone really identify where our sovereign boarders begin and end under this monster foreign private governance? Just like Israel, no matter how much they sprawl their militarized boarder and disappear Palestine, the internal controls by-way-of the individual become weaker and weaker, but they’re too impressed by all of their tall boarder walls, tanks and nuclear arsenals to notice. And every country on Earth with militarized offensive-defensive infrastructures suffer the exact same delusions about what sovereignty and freedom truly is—to their death. We’re running out of time Derrick, and the masses are too busy celebrating their pretend-independence and false-pride patriotisms to notice.

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After what was done in Ohio (as you know legislation is in place which allows Fed.government to take polluted land directly over), and already existing agreements to turn Cleveland and other neighbouring cities into 15 mins cities,

Please see the whole global detailed list of 15 mins cities globalist satanists are trying to push through.

The mayor of each city is their paid for stooge and the enemy of the people.


By the way, do you know why that strange name? What C40 really means?

Same as 911 corresponds to verse 911 of Revelation, rise of satan from hell,

C 40 means - C is letter 3 alphabet - word no.3 in Strong's Concordance, precise linguist translated Scriptures- 'satan'.

Word No 40 Strong's - 'father is king'.

For those who can read their cryptic communication, serpent race WEF Rotschilds are stating that satan, their genetic father (Genesis 3.15 and 6.4) is king over the earth and they will make sure of that through herding and klling the Adamic race in 15 mins cities.


And, finally -

Pentagon/ Pentagram have officially admitted it:


And also see this -


Do you know that US laws allow experimenting on american citizens like guinea pigs?

We, including you, your spouse, your children- are human food for them for meat and soul energy. That is also why they need uncontrolled abortions.

Baby parts go into our own food and beauty products.

Genesis 3.15, Revelation 911.

Rotschilds, Rockfellers, Onassis, Vanderbilt, Warburg, Collins + Rome grey pope Orsini and their controlled jesuit order and other occult societies like freemasons - and Aldobrandini bloodlines - nephilim lines. Genesis 6.4.

Soros and Kissinger are their servants.

According to roman canon law and maritime law USA is a privately owned corporation.

American, british and world citizens they consider their property.

But we are God's children, children of Christ, not their property and US Constitution/ other Constitutions still stand.

P.S. President Trump's recent CNN interview was literally an attempt to cast a satanic spell on him.

Even the CNN town hall floor was arranged as a satanic upside down pentagram.

It may sound incredible, but he was literally surrounded by demons:-



'For greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world'. 1 John 4.4


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