Gonna hafta do better on direct democracy than reciting the DOE third grade indoctrination point that every American digested, "mob rule."
Mob rule is what we have right now. Only its a relatively tiny mob.
There are legitimate criticisms to direct democracy, perhaps you will eloborate. I still see it as progress/a net positive in the face of the status quo. The fact that the RiC is under attack by institutions like the Utah State Legislature should be telling.
But most importantly, I've found, is that referenda have gone a long way toward liberating statist minds. As I like to say... and was indeed the theme of the very first LNNR entry on this medium: Direct democracy is the study a statist mind first undertakes en route to the anarchist epiphany...
And even with it's problems, I would take government by large scale direct democracy unfettered by the elitist "representatives" (that somehow escape the blame) over what we have now. And we should be able to do it if we get the control freaks out of the way.
Review the 3 tacks:
The 3 tacks:
1) micro decentralized voluntary direct democracy assemblies, denying any outside authority;
2) destroy surveillance apparatus; and
3) publicly name, collectively locate and attack individual murderous billionaires one at a time.
Note that most yellow vests have recognized that large scale systems can no longer be used for dispute resolution in any legitimate way. The first words of the three tacks is "Micro."
The people have the natural right to form or abolish any government for the purpose of ensuring their own security and sustainability.
On this July 14, 2019, National Day, We, the people of France, once again declare our inalienable sovereignty.
With constancy and obstinacy, the people of France, with or without a vest, denounced the corruption of the republic and the illegitimacy of this false representative democracy.
Access to information, induced by the advent of modern communication technologies, allowed us to make a lucid observation of the uselessness and even of the harmful character of the political representation set up as a system, almost always concussionnary, subservient to the big world bank and the military-industrial complex which enslave the peoples of the whole world.
Everyone has the right to speak for themselves. Collective decision-making through citizen structures freed from the republican yoke can now be achieved.
We hereby declare that we have the right to do so in every corner of France, in our districts, our municipalities, our cities and our provinces.
In order to restore the destiny and sovereignty of the French people, we hereby proclaim the first direct democracy in France and we invite all the citizens of France who love justice and freedom to meet in constituent assemblies, new institutions which will see the light of day soon in each province of France. Everyone can thus bring their own skills and expertise to the established democratic structure in order to determine together the rules of our mutual ties.
We will not go back.
National Council of Vests meeting in Paris, July 14, 2019
Le peuple a le droit naturel de constituer ou de supprimer tout gouvernement aux fins d’assurer sa propre sécurité et sa pérennité.
En ce 14 juillet 2019, jour de Fête nationale, Nous, peuple de France, déclarons une nouvelle fois notre souveraineté inaliénable.
Avec constance et opiniâtreté, le peuple de France, avec ou sans gilet, a dénoncé la corruption de la république et l’illégitimité de cette fausse démocratie représentative.
L’accès à l’information, induit par l'avènement des technologies modernes de communication, nous a permis de faire le constat lucide de l’inutilité et même du caractère néfaste de la représentation politique érigée en système, presque toujours concussionnaire, inféodée à la grande banque mondiale et au complexe militaro-industriel qui asservissent les peuples du monde entier.
Chaque personne a le droit de parler au nom d’elle-même. La prise de décision collective par le biais de structures citoyennes libérées du joug républicain peut maintenant être réalisée.
Nous déclarons par la présente que nous avons le droit de le faire dans chaque recoin de France, dans nos quartiers, nos communes, nos villes et nos provinces.
Afin de rendre aux Français un destin et une souveraineté, nous proclamons par la présente la première démocratie directe de France et nous invitons tous les citoyens de France épris de justice et de liberté à se réunir en assemblées constituantes, institutions nouvelles qui verront le jour prochainement dans chaque province de France. Chacun pourra ainsi apporter à l’édifice démocratique direct mis en place ses compétences et expertises propres afin de déterminer ensemble les règles de nos liens mutuels.
Nous ne reviendrons pas en arrière.
Conseil National des Gilets réuni à Paris, le 14 juillet 2019
Gonna hafta do better on direct democracy than reciting the DOE third grade indoctrination point that every American digested, "mob rule."
Mob rule is what we have right now. Only its a relatively tiny mob.
There are legitimate criticisms to direct democracy, perhaps you will eloborate. I still see it as progress/a net positive in the face of the status quo. The fact that the RiC is under attack by institutions like the Utah State Legislature should be telling.
But most importantly, I've found, is that referenda have gone a long way toward liberating statist minds. As I like to say... and was indeed the theme of the very first LNNR entry on this medium: Direct democracy is the study a statist mind first undertakes en route to the anarchist epiphany...
And even with it's problems, I would take government by large scale direct democracy unfettered by the elitist "representatives" (that somehow escape the blame) over what we have now. And we should be able to do it if we get the control freaks out of the way.
Review the 3 tacks:
The 3 tacks:
1) micro decentralized voluntary direct democracy assemblies, denying any outside authority;
2) destroy surveillance apparatus; and
3) publicly name, collectively locate and attack individual murderous billionaires one at a time.
Note that most yellow vests have recognized that large scale systems can no longer be used for dispute resolution in any legitimate way. The first words of the three tacks is "Micro."
The people have the natural right to form or abolish any government for the purpose of ensuring their own security and sustainability.
On this July 14, 2019, National Day, We, the people of France, once again declare our inalienable sovereignty.
With constancy and obstinacy, the people of France, with or without a vest, denounced the corruption of the republic and the illegitimacy of this false representative democracy.
Access to information, induced by the advent of modern communication technologies, allowed us to make a lucid observation of the uselessness and even of the harmful character of the political representation set up as a system, almost always concussionnary, subservient to the big world bank and the military-industrial complex which enslave the peoples of the whole world.
Everyone has the right to speak for themselves. Collective decision-making through citizen structures freed from the republican yoke can now be achieved.
We hereby declare that we have the right to do so in every corner of France, in our districts, our municipalities, our cities and our provinces.
In order to restore the destiny and sovereignty of the French people, we hereby proclaim the first direct democracy in France and we invite all the citizens of France who love justice and freedom to meet in constituent assemblies, new institutions which will see the light of day soon in each province of France. Everyone can thus bring their own skills and expertise to the established democratic structure in order to determine together the rules of our mutual ties.
We will not go back.
National Council of Vests meeting in Paris, July 14, 2019
Le peuple a le droit naturel de constituer ou de supprimer tout gouvernement aux fins d’assurer sa propre sécurité et sa pérennité.
En ce 14 juillet 2019, jour de Fête nationale, Nous, peuple de France, déclarons une nouvelle fois notre souveraineté inaliénable.
Avec constance et opiniâtreté, le peuple de France, avec ou sans gilet, a dénoncé la corruption de la république et l’illégitimité de cette fausse démocratie représentative.
L’accès à l’information, induit par l'avènement des technologies modernes de communication, nous a permis de faire le constat lucide de l’inutilité et même du caractère néfaste de la représentation politique érigée en système, presque toujours concussionnaire, inféodée à la grande banque mondiale et au complexe militaro-industriel qui asservissent les peuples du monde entier.
Chaque personne a le droit de parler au nom d’elle-même. La prise de décision collective par le biais de structures citoyennes libérées du joug républicain peut maintenant être réalisée.
Nous déclarons par la présente que nous avons le droit de le faire dans chaque recoin de France, dans nos quartiers, nos communes, nos villes et nos provinces.
Afin de rendre aux Français un destin et une souveraineté, nous proclamons par la présente la première démocratie directe de France et nous invitons tous les citoyens de France épris de justice et de liberté à se réunir en assemblées constituantes, institutions nouvelles qui verront le jour prochainement dans chaque province de France. Chacun pourra ainsi apporter à l’édifice démocratique direct mis en place ses compétences et expertises propres afin de déterminer ensemble les règles de nos liens mutuels.
Nous ne reviendrons pas en arrière.
Conseil National des Gilets réuni à Paris, le 14 juillet 2019
Brilliant. So much imformation so well presented. Thank you.
More Jewish bullshit!
what the fuck are you talking about?
Thank you.