The Deep State (Rockefeller-Rothschild Interlocking Finance and Corporate Monoplex) have refined the opposing Fascist and Communist vectors they created to lurch their Neofeudal corral forward through chaos and world war for centuries of consolidation and gain.

Each time a global battle on land, and in finance, to create a ventral bank reserve currency and weapons platform for empire expansion: War of 1814 UK (the BoE and £), 1914 USA WWI and WWII (the Federal Reserve U$D/FRN)

Each century, a Reserve energy element to store and leverage their control: 19thC silver/gold, 20thC, petroleum.

It is truly amazing that the conditioned sheep cannot see that THEY, (silicon/carbon) are the new reserve energy commodity for the Empire’s planned 21st century of final global consolidation and expansion and that that resource is not as precious to them as the last.

As the NeoFeudalists would say, ‘everything old, is new again’.

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Trump is most likely... NOT... AT ALL ...hated by the deep state. Think about it. These are the folks tried and tested in installing puppet regimes through populist uprisings. You don't think they'd take extra extra (😆) care in creating manipulations within manipulations within manipulations (Russian doll manipulations... 😆) C'mon people. Psychopathic manipulators, big picture wise, yes are very dumb. But within their sphere of influence they can, unfortunately, be masters of mind control. Always seek the root cause. Always seek the higher paradigm.

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Above, Derrick Broze said: ".....and trigger tf out of the left..... "

What is tf?

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A cousin to AF.

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"the f*ck"

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Andrew, thank you.

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You bet your fake ballots he'll be running. For a repeat in the black house and a run to the outhouse.

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Whatever happens in the election, our personal voice and courage will be necessary. The globalists will squeeze us tbut bowing won't help.

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