Thank you for your organization, passion, dedication,articulation and compassion.

Deborah Tavares, Stopthecrime.net



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Technocracy, by Patrick Wood, also.

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Derrick. I might just attend that U. N. conference. Can I get in? Maybe, I can dress the part and have my resume. Lawrence Rockefeller’s on it.

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Of course these idiot clowns know months in advance there will be an emergency. Whatever they declare it will be NO emergency of any kind. There is no killer pandemic, the earth isn't melting, and the Internet isn't exploding. The only true emergency is that the world is full of so many retards that they are tripping over each other.

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is this supposed to have a point or a purpose? Titus is a sad little dude who can't stand seeing my work grow.

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Saladhands, I actually like Derrick’s rap song, it’s true. Also, that Titus guy is not saying anything of any importance, & he’s just laughing like a fool.

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Have you read, Behind the Green Mask, Rosa Koiri? Or heard U. N. Space Editor. Elana Freeland? Leuren Moret?

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Yes I’ve got the book the green mask. She was onto this agenda 21 she’s ago.

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