Derrick Broze is back from NYC reporting on the UN's Summit of the Future, and now he is heading to Bath, UK for The People's Reset - a 3-day solutions focused Activation empowering people around the world!
Hey, Derrick, thanks for attending the Summit for the Future for the rest of us. Now we have a real opportunity get the US out of the UN by forcing Congress to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023. The Action Item at is quick, easy and sharable. Please direct your audience there. We have a very, very short window of opportunity to make this happen and it will only happen if massive numbers of people demand this of Congress. That's why we created the 10 Million Patriot Challenge - it's quick, easy and effective IF enough of us do it.
Why can’t I find a comprehensive list of events related to parallel society and peoples reset. Very frustrating. I’d like to attend some events but they are always over by the time I hear about them…
Hey, Derrick, thanks for attending the Summit for the Future for the rest of us. Now we have a real opportunity get the US out of the UN by forcing Congress to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023. The Action Item at is quick, easy and sharable. Please direct your audience there. We have a very, very short window of opportunity to make this happen and it will only happen if massive numbers of people demand this of Congress. That's why we created the 10 Million Patriot Challenge - it's quick, easy and effective IF enough of us do it.
Thanks for the support. I don't get involved in efforts to talk to politicians.
Why can’t I find a comprehensive list of events related to parallel society and peoples reset. Very frustrating. I’d like to attend some events but they are always over by the time I hear about them…
Hi Derrick, the link takes me to a youtube redirect link "are you sure you want to leave youtube". Copying the hyperlink and pasting:
Although I presume it was meant to be just the same as the plain text: