Excellent work. Every article I've read, every single piece of work I've seen from Derrick Broze has been fantastic. A source with a consistent, truly objective focus on factual evidence is not easy to find, which is why I'm very thankful to him for his hard, very detailed work, and that I happened to come across Ryan Cristian's interview of Mr. Broze on TLAV (The Last American Vagabond; another objective source I was fortunate enough to stumble upon).
Trust no one. Confirm information yourself in order to assess, with time, which potential source of information is consistently truthful, unbiased, and not pushing some agenda of their own, whether purposefully or ignorantly. Good luck to everyone attempting to stay informed in this world of propaganda.
Excellent work. Every article I've read, every single piece of work I've seen from Derrick Broze has been fantastic. A source with a consistent, truly objective focus on factual evidence is not easy to find, which is why I'm very thankful to him for his hard, very detailed work, and that I happened to come across Ryan Cristian's interview of Mr. Broze on TLAV (The Last American Vagabond; another objective source I was fortunate enough to stumble upon).
Trust no one. Confirm information yourself in order to assess, with time, which potential source of information is consistently truthful, unbiased, and not pushing some agenda of their own, whether purposefully or ignorantly. Good luck to everyone attempting to stay informed in this world of propaganda.
Thank you so much for the support!