Everything used to be in glass bottles back in the day but this changed some time in the late 80s early 90s, I believe. Why the change? I figure it was probably more expensive and petroleum had a money making solution.
Everything used to be in glass bottles back in the day but this changed some time in the late 80s early 90s, I believe. Why the change? I figure it was probably more expensive and petroleum had a money making solution.
Plastic is lighter, more durable, and cheaper to make. Consumers bought it because it's a "better product." But now that many people are being exposed to the dangers of plastic, I think we will see a return of glass bottles.
Everything used to be in glass bottles back in the day but this changed some time in the late 80s early 90s, I believe. Why the change? I figure it was probably more expensive and petroleum had a money making solution.
Plastic is lighter, more durable, and cheaper to make. Consumers bought it because it's a "better product." But now that many people are being exposed to the dangers of plastic, I think we will see a return of glass bottles.