It'll backfire, it always does always will.

Kids have started using cash again, a personal observation.

First time at my shop yesterday where more youngsters carried cash than older people.

A ray of hope? 🌈🦄

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Why the name Stargate, you think?

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Stargate Project-

secret U.S. Army unit established in 1977 to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications.

Spying, it's always about spying. 🤷‍♂️

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Wow - great find. Makes sense when you consider how Starlink and the iPhone now runs on C-band, which Nato uses. https://romanshapoval.substack.com/i/98910697/not-about-faster-netflix-downloads

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Because apparently we must spread our corruption to the stars before we figure out how to feed and shelter everyone, like an intergalactic plague of locusts.

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Well put - I couldn't have said it any better myself. Hope the stars blast us with some reality so we can learn to live with them, rather than try to outshine them.

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It's kinda like some Watergate but without Nixon in charge of the plumbers?.

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Alien plumbers maybe? Now we're really in trouble...

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.Austins a dump, Dallas takes forever to get to anywhere with its insane roadway and outer limits to airport, and Houston ? Why would anyone want to go to any of those places anymore?

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