Good read! Love it! As a child, I loved to dress up and act like the native Americans. I was also a literal tree hugger as a child and still hug trees to this day. I am living the Hopi prophecy rock.
It’s very reassuring to note that the social scientists chose the Native Americans view.
Good read! Love it! As a child, I loved to dress up and act like the native Americans. I was also a literal tree hugger as a child and still hug trees to this day. I am living the Hopi prophecy rock.
It’s very reassuring to note that the social scientists chose the Native Americans view.
Here is a link to the particular image where the author of Rooted talks about Hugging Trees and shares some perspectives from Thích Nhất Hạnh on the subject of hugging.
Good read! Love it! As a child, I loved to dress up and act like the native Americans. I was also a literal tree hugger as a child and still hug trees to this day. I am living the Hopi prophecy rock.
It’s very reassuring to note that the social scientists chose the Native Americans view.
I must learn more.
Thanks for reading and sharing your experiences. I shared a few pages from another book that may resonate with you called "Rooted" in this post:
Here is a link to the particular image where the author of Rooted talks about Hugging Trees and shares some perspectives from Thích Nhất Hạnh on the subject of hugging.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/