They don't need to have "facts". They just need people to not understand that the SDGS are about redistribution of power and resources- AKA theft from the people, so the people remain confused and don't push back or say no. As long as we remain confused and fighting in factions of "climate change is not real" vs "climate change is real"- it doesn't actually matter. That's why they are laughing, they win either way, because even if the whole world agreed that it was all BS, it doesn't matter, because it's about redistribution. Once it's on paper and in government ledgers, it's happening.
We have entered the age of "ministry of truth" by government- the "facts" are what they say the facts are. Regardless of truth or not.
Thank you very much for this Derrick, really appreciated 🙏 If I may, i'd like to just make a small correction to your assertion "what they envision is a world where nature is placed above the needs of man", because from my research that is NOT at all what the corporate-capitalists (or crony-capitalists if you'd like) work for. They most defintely do NOT work for nature's health and vitality (which is inseparable from man, by the way), but exactly to the contrary - they are working for corporate ownership over the entire natural world and therefore over man as well (which is, by the way, the exact project that the ultra-wealthy capitalist ruling class has been up to since the 1600's, of enclosure/privatization of the commons out of the hands of humanity, out of public ownwrship, and into their private exclucive ownership to be put behind a paywall, and thus forcing us to both pay them for what was previously freely available to all AND attemps to take away from humanity the possibility of self-subsistance thus rendering us reliant on wage slavery (working for them) in order to survive. This is clearly the EXACT same the same logic that the corporate-capitalists in WEF, World Bank, BIS (and their puppets in governments and UN and WHO etc) are currently pursuing. They are cynically and monstrously using the benign sounding language of care and protection while IN REALITY doing the exact opposite, butchering humanity in their imperialist wars of plunder and domination (using their globe-spanning military bullying apparatus), paying as little as they can get away with for using our work energy (often resorting to using enslavement and imprisoned "workers" to squeeze as much as they possibly can out of humanity while paying as little as they possibly can), and ransacking every last river, tree, mountain and entire ecological systems in their pursuit of profit extraction and wealth accumulation for themselves (the absolute highest value in the minds of the psuchologically-undeveloped ruling class) regardless of the devastation, impoverishment, toxic pollution and destitute they leave in the wake of their profit-above-all-else pursuits.
Here are a couple of links to really excellent in-depth research with regard to what the climate (or "sustainable development" as they cynically and manipulativy call it) capitalists are actually up to
I think it is important to point this out becasue if this is not understood and if the way you described their intention stands uncorrected then it might lead to a misunderstanding and might lead right-wing libertatians (I'm assuming the vast majority of your readers are right-wing wing libertarians, with maybe a smidgen of left wing libertarians) into the wrong conclusion that attunmenment to nature (which is God, which is us) is some kind of evil thing, becasue the global corporate capitalists cynically use that language.. that would be an extremely tragic conclusion to come to, in my humble view, and that is the reason I felt the nead to make this comment 🙏
But. But. But, just who, or whom is it, that can factually declare, that "climate change", is, in fact, a thing?
I have yet to read something substantial, that can convince me.
And I have followed this for over 10 years...
They don't need to have "facts". They just need people to not understand that the SDGS are about redistribution of power and resources- AKA theft from the people, so the people remain confused and don't push back or say no. As long as we remain confused and fighting in factions of "climate change is not real" vs "climate change is real"- it doesn't actually matter. That's why they are laughing, they win either way, because even if the whole world agreed that it was all BS, it doesn't matter, because it's about redistribution. Once it's on paper and in government ledgers, it's happening.
We have entered the age of "ministry of truth" by government- the "facts" are what they say the facts are. Regardless of truth or not.
You are correct.
Not gonna change my mind, though...
Thank you very much for this Derrick, really appreciated 🙏 If I may, i'd like to just make a small correction to your assertion "what they envision is a world where nature is placed above the needs of man", because from my research that is NOT at all what the corporate-capitalists (or crony-capitalists if you'd like) work for. They most defintely do NOT work for nature's health and vitality (which is inseparable from man, by the way), but exactly to the contrary - they are working for corporate ownership over the entire natural world and therefore over man as well (which is, by the way, the exact project that the ultra-wealthy capitalist ruling class has been up to since the 1600's, of enclosure/privatization of the commons out of the hands of humanity, out of public ownwrship, and into their private exclucive ownership to be put behind a paywall, and thus forcing us to both pay them for what was previously freely available to all AND attemps to take away from humanity the possibility of self-subsistance thus rendering us reliant on wage slavery (working for them) in order to survive. This is clearly the EXACT same the same logic that the corporate-capitalists in WEF, World Bank, BIS (and their puppets in governments and UN and WHO etc) are currently pursuing. They are cynically and monstrously using the benign sounding language of care and protection while IN REALITY doing the exact opposite, butchering humanity in their imperialist wars of plunder and domination (using their globe-spanning military bullying apparatus), paying as little as they can get away with for using our work energy (often resorting to using enslavement and imprisoned "workers" to squeeze as much as they possibly can out of humanity while paying as little as they possibly can), and ransacking every last river, tree, mountain and entire ecological systems in their pursuit of profit extraction and wealth accumulation for themselves (the absolute highest value in the minds of the psuchologically-undeveloped ruling class) regardless of the devastation, impoverishment, toxic pollution and destitute they leave in the wake of their profit-above-all-else pursuits.
Here are a couple of links to really excellent in-depth research with regard to what the climate (or "sustainable development" as they cynically and manipulativy call it) capitalists are actually up to
And here
Ans here
And here
And here
And here
Ans here
I think it is important to point this out becasue if this is not understood and if the way you described their intention stands uncorrected then it might lead to a misunderstanding and might lead right-wing libertatians (I'm assuming the vast majority of your readers are right-wing wing libertarians, with maybe a smidgen of left wing libertarians) into the wrong conclusion that attunmenment to nature (which is God, which is us) is some kind of evil thing, becasue the global corporate capitalists cynically use that language.. that would be an extremely tragic conclusion to come to, in my humble view, and that is the reason I felt the nead to make this comment 🙏