God help us all! 🙏 God please give us a direction and the ammunition to fight this evil with because we can't do it without your help, that is if you consider humanity worthy of helping! God Please help us so we can help ourselves and save ourselves from this evil, because I have no desire to be a chipped slave to these Zionist controllers!

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Amen, Amii! God, by whatever name we call the divine inner field of truth, and us as part-whole of it, in partnership. See you there!

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15 years ago, based on all the evidence at my disposal whether empirical, experiential/phenomenological, historical, logical or theoretical, I was sure that there was technologically augmented organized crime in most governments, but not sure of their degree of coherence and development, nor of their interrelations within or across nations, only that deception and manipulation, fraud and extortion, coercion and control, and secrecy and were the most defining characteristics.

10 years ago I was sure that there was some sort of technologically augmented Fifth Column Entity in each and every nation which sprang from the Christianized husk of the Roman Empire, it's derivations and offshoots, likely divided into blocs, and the rest of the world also of different major blocs similarly subdivided, but was not sure of its exact ethnic and ideological framework, nor of their international posture across regions and subregions. I knew that regardless of its organization, technology would predominate its means and mind control its methodology.

Up until about 6 years ago, this was a largely skeletal structure in which I was sure that some sort of conglomeration of Old World powers (Vatican/Crown) and New World powers (Techno-Oligarchic Combines) were in some way or another at the top and in various forms of cooperation or competition for total control over the various regions and subregions under their sway, and in various forms of cooperations and conflict with other world regions.

But around this time it became clear, as Trump's conduct and that of Congress, and the Supreme Court, and all other levels of federal, state and local authorities and entities private and public were concerned, the modern Fifth Column Entity was, whatever its composition in total in both its overt and covert membership, in the Western World it was heavily and disproportionately two things: (1) Zionist in its discernible objectives and in its least internally disputed ideas and expressions and most consistently cooperative ventures and (2) heavily Jewish in its visible individual and organizational involvements in all visible aspects of its operation.

The alternating regimes of visible and superficially distinguishable companies, parties, brands, and even overarching ideologies, no matter how they seemed to oppose one another in any respect, always seemed more alike and more cooperative when analyzed on this axis than they seemed different or dissonant on any other axis individually or all others combined.

So my verdict has been that we live in a world of organized corruption, using advanced technology and methodologies to weaponize and dual-purpose all institutions and groups for the sake of its own control whether overt or covert, whether on pretexts given or reasons kept secret, and that its primary organizational nexus that holds together the greatest part of its steering members whether as to organizational blocs or people counted individually, is Zionism, or at the least, Jewish power as privileged and above other power objectives.

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