Well of course the problems are multi-faceted and intentional, such as dumping poisonous cocktails into the atmosphere via ChemTrails, the deteriorating infrastructure, the fluoride in water, mercury in teeth fillings, bioweapon Vaxx protocols & other laced meds, the endless armed conflicts…but I don’t think it helps to mention the fact ‘mainstream news outlets like the WSJ, WP, NYT, Fox News, CNN… “occasionally” tells the truth.’ Well of course they do, Derrick, so their viewers will believe the important lies. We already knew the mainstream media, including talking heads like Alex Jones, tells some truths mixed with nonsense. The problem is allowing ourselves to get distracted by them, then compartmentalized into fight groups, whether political, economical, environmental…so the politicians, lawyers & courts can waste our time with drawn out generational battles. It’s all a distraction as “they” plan the next tragedy, like a cyber attack or the next explosive war, then perhaps setting off a nuclear device while cowering in their luxury bomb shelters.

Trump using the term “fake news” wasn’t a revelation to anyone, and yes, he is a treasonous whore no different than Biden. And those who still cannot understand these facts by this stage of the world genocide are walking dead—who I believe covet and are actually facilitating End Times.

I do NOT believe the solutions to end all of this madness will ever come about by using “their” rules and systems, which are specifically designed to trap people to fighting each-other, indefinitely. I’m convinced time is way overdue for Americans and the rest of the world to end their divisions trapping them to war, then start working together to form militias and begin arresting the most senior cops & lawyers city by city, state by state, country by country who NEVER arrest treasonous politicians and criminals like Trump, Biden, Bill Gates, Schwab, Rothschild, Rockefeller…and their media owners & lying talking-heads controlling people’s minds to accept mandatory vaccines, the fraud of scarcity, overpopulation, chronic diseases & conflicts. The only exception are those “nobody” in the world can ever get along with—the Zionists and most of the Israelis—all of whom must be arrested and sent to humane mental institutions, most for life. And anyone so stupid to call you a hater or antisemitic for saying so must also be institutionalized as well.

This is a WAR, not a legal fight to be won in one of their rigged courts, or by demonstrating, or writing another bloody book, or having another argumentative debate over mindless hot-button issues. I’ve got many books in the works, too, and none of them will fix the problems until we arrest the cops, lawyers and politicians preventing our freedoms and ability to actually build the infrastructure and schools that are so necessary for people to actually start “saving themselves.”

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Nonviolent protest always wins the day, just make sure you’re packin at home

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Nope. Then we kill them all.

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Indeed. But do we necessarily have to submit to these lies?

- Luc

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