Did you really expect to live forever?

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Look into "Masterpiece'

Dr Robert Young

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Isn't this typical creating a problem, fuel the outrage and come with the solution? Plastics play a role in rapidly expanding toxic algae blooms in our oceans and lakes. While the presence of plastics is getting quite a bit of attention (and studies), they refuse to admit the (MAJOR) role of glyphosate (we need more studies....of course that will never happen). They're staging a water pollution crisis (to take global control over our water)...and plastics get the blame. Ps. I'm not saying plastics aren't bad....I'm just saying they're staging this. https://www.bitchute.com/video/BjGO2PrkGm1A/

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Yes. Derrick, they've been dowsing us with plastics for ages. I've been aware of this phenomenon since the early 70's. Not to mention those non-stick pots and pans.

When I was growing up Tupperware was all the rave. We rarely heard about the dangers of putting hot foods in plastic-ware. Even today, folks are microwaving their food in plastic so called, microwaveable containers and bags.

In the old days we used glass, stainless steel and cast iron. Now, we are undated with plastics, every where you look, our whole world is filled with some kind of plastic all the way down to the piping in our homes. It's in our food, medicine, clothing, cosmetics, you name it. LOL, we'd have to virtually go back to living in the jungle to avoid plastics to be honest.

If we get away from plastics, we will shoot a giant hole in the petroleum business as many items that are made from petroleum are plastics.

When we die, and they bury us, the casket may decompose before we do, with all the plastics we have ingested throughout our lifetimes. Going back to nature may be even trickier since them nano-particles are breaking down into the soil and finding their way into our gardens. So yeah, maybe we should just kiss the industrial world good by and learn how to live in the Rainforest.

Talking about an environment issue, what about all the non-biodegradable plastics???




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Now that's not good at all! Thanks for sharing broder!

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