Thank you for detailing why not to vote for either candidate.

But I think your timing is off. With only 5 days to go to vote, I think emotions are high, and most people probably are anxious for their chosen candidate to win.. But that is just my observation.

Also, Derrick, I am not a politician, but I am an astrologer. And I have been studying both charts of both people for months, and feel it is important to translate some of what I know from this work.

First Kamala is a fused construction of years of the Democrats' deep state scheming, lies, deceit and hate.

And now she is given the perfect situation--the smearing of the Madison Square Garden rally--to escalate that hateful nature she hides so well:


She would mandate mRNA vaccines for all or for the children. She will try to abolish the First and possibly Second Amendments and more. She will continue pushing for transgender children. She will keep the border open, or play that she is closing it, while the child trafficking continues. She will keep the US in Ukraine for a long, long time.

Trump will end all of the above, well at least he is talking about ending the above.

Trump's warp speed debacle really wasn't totally his fault. He was pushed into it by the DoD. This has been coming out since he started working with RFK Jr. And if you want I have references of this.

And he was coerced to select a bunch of no good people for his previous administration who hated his guts when he unbeknownst stepped into the White House the first time.

The guy is changing, is what I am trying to tell you. And those of us who are seeing this, know he is our only hope--even with all of his flaws, and even with him loving the Jews and Israel--he is the only person who can go against the deep state and the global cartel.

Every day I see him say something which makes me think this.

You may have seen this:


In know he has flaws, but My God, if he gets elected, Derrick, will send a domino of hope effect throughout the world for those who want what we want!!

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"well at least he is talking about ending the above"

Exactly. All he is doing is talking.

I don't buy it. Thanks though

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Your skepticism of him following through with what he says, is wise! We will see. First he has to get elected.

Wishing you well, Derrick

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I wrote this at the end of Trump's first term:

Here Are 18 Ways Trump Supported The Swamp During His Presidency


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This is not journalism , mind your own business.

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triggered by something?

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CALLING YOU OUT on you voter interference. If you were legit you would grab all the disillusion one for your pet project after the vote.

In a razor thin election convincing people to give up , don’t vote is the hallmark of a foreign agent.

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disillion for your pet project after the vote?

The point is to wake people up from voting BEFORE they vote.

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That a valid argument only if you are interested in the American society.

Its pretty clear your not interested in self governance - republic model.

Your an anarcho oasis peddler , a monarchist at best.

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There's not one monolithic "American society". There's not one way to live.

I am interested in true individual sovereignty and I know that no political party will get us there.

be triggered about it if you like.

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quote: "There's not one monolithic "American society"."

The founders beg to differ.

1777777777777777777776 World Wide ! Free speech , we are not slaves.

That's what on the ballot . ACROSS the West & You know it.

So what are you doing ? Your working for the other team , you are not neutral.

The cycle is over , people will make up their mind. IF shit goes sideways you and others have blood on your hands. Don't whine when the predator drone strike hellfire rain on continental US.

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So, Derrick should shut up, and anyone who has anything to say about the harms Trump has brought to our nation, his obvious alliances with foreign governments and their agents, representatives of certain industries, etc. should all shut up - why? So people can simply feel good about participating in a process that may bring harm to people? To me, my own family members? To mothers and fathers and children in a foreign land?

Derrick wrote a "Four reasons not to vote for Kamala" article. Then he took the time to write this one. We're all adults.

You are saying that this is election interference. . . Did you put the same comment on his Kamala article? If not, why not? It's only dis-allowed when it's speech you don't like, right? This is 100% nonviolent, good journalism. If you're willing to attempt to silence him simply for posting facts - that aren't that hard to find btw - what else are you willing to cover up in advocating for true censorship? Every single election is important, and in every single election, we should all be seeking AND utilizing the full facts available, not trying to shame, censor, and shut down the few people who have put in the work to uncover the facts out there. If there's a good candidate, we deserve to know that. If there's a dirty candidate, or more than one, we deserve to know that. As adults, it's OUR job to synthesize and utilize that information accordingly. Only someone who refuses to do that for their own reasons would accuse a journalist of something dirty for publishing the facts. And the fact that I see not only you but a LOT of people going there these days tells me how little moral fibre there is these days among so many in our nation. This is a matter of integrity, and if people show that they do not have it, perhaps we should consider that, not consider how to best try to shame - or even force - people into silence on the issue.

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not talking to u sister , me and Derrick walk the same circle. Just calling him out , he knows what hes doing.

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Ahh - you could have messaged him privately in that case. BTW your response reads as "I'm allowed to criticize, I'm allowed to say who can speak, who can bring facts forth, and even who can reply on a public thread and who can't." One has to wonder why you think that.

I see you did not respond to any of the points I brought up, but you still had time to respond.

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Look here is the deal the premise is : w/ever he is engage in is not "journalism".

We have the enemy of the people Larping civil war ; Peter Strzok & Bill Kristol . IF only it was just grabbing a check but this dropped past September.


At a time where the US Fed Gov has put 2/3rd of the people on terror watch list. This is consequential , there is a story here. Take it from the next in line on the short list for US AG : https://rumble.com/v5l9tfh-jeff-clark-we-shouldnt-be-using-military-intel-assets-to-spy-on-our-own-peo.html

This is serious.

Derrick can cover his ass with his dual passport all he wants. Bottom line is the self interest of the voiceless , the only thing citizen have is : throwing out the bums out.

And his only come back are throw away lines . . . dodging .

Its on the record people can read the comment and make up their minds.

For a handful of money he lost his journo rep.

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Oh come on. Kinda weak you forgot to explain how Kamala as president is better.

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I decided a long time ago, not to vote. It’s been clear for at least 30 years It’s nothing but it kabuki theater.

Both parties have been aiding and abetting each other for decades.

However, most people aren’t paying attention that there is a puppet master…

And instead, they’re just focusing on the brand differentiating factors between the two parties, thinking that they actually have a choice.

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I disagree, and question why you push so hard for people not to vote. Curious, are you eligible to legally vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election?

Many factors are at play, and ONLY the person voting can WEIGH how much each issue PERSONALLY means to that person. If a person is eligible to legally vote, they should have the ability to exercise their vote regardless of whether an election is rigged or not, or how close or not close an election is.

I opted for citizenship and to become naturalized in order to vote, so for you to discourage me to vote is like a slap in the face. I will not easily give anyone the chance to take my vote from me. Even turning in a blank ballot is better than not turning one in at all. It is completely legal to do so and helps prevent someone from stealing your vote - https://www.findlaw.com/voting/my-voting-guide/can-i-leave-blanks-on-a-voting-ballot.html

Local voting also makes a huge difference. It is not just about the U.S. presidency.

I weigh MY one issue the GREATEST for ME to vote on. It overrides everything. The Democratic Party by far supported the Biden Administration attempts to MANDATE experimental shots for the general public. Spurred and propped up by the 21st Century Cures Act in 2016 during the lame duck session of the Obama Administration. The Dems tried once again to pass a Cures Act 2.0 with Democratic co-sponsoring in nearly every single state. But WE the People had already become too wide with what was happening and the passing of this bill was stopped.

MY vote MY voice and I will use it, and encourage others to use THEIR voice even if they weigh issues differently than me.

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I like a good critical points about everyting! Everyting should be investigated good…. I also no with kamala is sure vaccin id crap… So she is not the person for america citizens… I have a feeling why trump is of was in this bilderberg group… Only to unf….. the true! And help the world and the america citizens from this all evil… Only a real mircale can make the change!

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this is just more hopium and excuses not based on facts.

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Thank you Derrick for your in-depth assessment. I only voted for Trump to get RFK jr into his cabinet. I guess there was no good reason to vote at all. I wish I’d seen this last week. God Bless you.

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Glad to see you so thoroughly covering both sides of this sorry game. And thanks for linking to the commentary on abstention ... which I determined to do months ago because I refuse to participate in this charade we're calling "democracy.." A difficult decision at first because of all the old programming (You HAVE to exercise your privilege and right to vote!!!) it's gotten easier since I started couching my choice in different ways. For example, if I no longer support and continence slavery—would I continue to own slaves? Hmmmm. Same thing with corrupt politics. I'm directing my energies into building a New World and letting the Old World crumble.

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The lesser of two evils?

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Thanks for reminding me again why I am not voting.

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