My biggest idea ever - How we can bring down the Deep State by prosecuting the way the Israel Lobby kills and smears those who like Danny Casolaro who try to expose the DOJ’s & CIA’s & Mossad’s illegal use of Inslaw’s PROMIS Main Core software with IRS database in Martinsberg West Virginia to rig elections for RNC and DNC Trump Biden Bush & SCOTUS
I just had the most critical insight writing about this as as it has done many times before, the Facebook post disappeared before I sent it, but what’s critical is the actionable insight i got writing it which is that I know why Danny Casolaro was killed.
The head of the #Octopus DannyCasolaro was planning to bring back from Martinsberg, West Virginia was that the PROMIS software was being used at the IRS national data center to enable the #AIPAC #Israel Lobby’s Deep State operatives associated with the CIA and the Mossad Unit 8200 and Big Tech social media operations like Robert Mercer, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump and the Clinton’s and Rupert Murdoch to develop illegal systems like Facebook Cambridge Analytica SCL Elections system that was used by the Republican Party’s Trump campaign manager, Andrew Karp, with Facebook, Cambridge Analytica SCL Elections owned by Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer, to capture democracies worldwide by controlling which candidates will win elections.
The evidence we need to bring down the incumbents in both parties can be easily proved by looking at the way both political parties and their incumbents have illegally used the Inslaw PROMIS software to build their direct marketing campaigns, and blackmail their opponents, and falsely label those that oppose the Israel
lobbies Pro-Israel Militant Zionist foreign policies as being Anti-Semitic which they then message their Sayanem and Katsas to target and assassinate and terrorize.
The bottom line is we have to find a way to get this prosecuted now starting with determining whether Merrick Garland has the integrity to prosecute this. If he is too captured to prosecute this, we in the independent alternative media need to get the word to the student protestors that we need to get this PROMISgate case and the way the Israel Libby has used it to rig our democracy by capturing our candidates by capturing our campaign financing direct mail campaign finance system using illegal use of our IRS tax data.
I, Ellen Corley, can be contacted for more information. I can be reached at my ResearchWorks home office in Chicago, 312-371-5078, @ellencorley.
We need to find Justice Department prosecutor and an ICC / ICJ and an Independent Special prosecutor with the integrity to prosecute the Israel lobby and the party machine and probably both parties if we can determine through discovery that they used the IRS database in Martinsberg, West Virginia to build the ultimate illegal election rigging and campaign messaging and public opinion disinformation application.
This is what I wrote to Alex Jones earlier:
This sounds very plausible and very horrifying. We need all the news be covering this. It is being covered up in the news since corrupt CIA operative William Casey & Reagan DOJ operatives tricked Congress and the people into covertly repealing the FCC Fairness Doctrine and replaced #FCC with USAGM U.S.Agency for Global Media which was authorized to oversee propaganda media RFE/RL and CIA BND Operation Gladio’s Reinhard Gehlen’s VOA which was not supposed to be allowed in US. This fake intelligence is driving disinformation of American foreign policy and National Security Act spending on NATO/ UN Contract with America’s National Security Revitalization Act #appropriations for their #racketeering, arms trafficking and money laundering through their AI #PROMIS #Palantir #Cybertechnology-captured #IMF World Bank #BIS #Central Bank Federal Reserve Big Bank money laundering dirty wars and covert operations for global Cabal which is a criminal syndicate for the Israel Lobby including AIPAC and the Mega Group exposed by @_WhitneyWebb @UnlimitedHangout, @RyanDawson, @WalterHixson, @GrantSmith, John Meirsheimer that has captured and now controls our political decision making and decision makers through their secret Revisionist Zionist Executive Orders like 1981 Executive Order 12333 and the globalist private supply side NGO’s 501-C3 neoliberal neocon interest groups like Manhattan Institute and Federalist Society whose tax write-offs are being systematically diverted legally and covered up through AI banking system software systems like SWIFT, AllTel, Systematics built off the PROMIS Main Core system by Israel’s Unit 8200 and and CIA In-Q-Tel working with front groups of the DOJ, CIA, Israeli IDF, Mossad, LAKAM and intelligence agencies using Trojan Horse PROMIS software sold to them by Robert Maxwell Israel’s Superspy who through corruption conspiracy and DOJ, CIA, DoD, 1981 Executive Order 12333-shielded racketeering by Rafi Eitan, Earl Brian, Ed Meese, George HW Bush, sold PROMIS to the real enemies of US state including Al Qaeda, the Godfathers of the Russian Jewish Mafia syndicate named in the Mueller Report and the KGB, the intelligence agencies of the Chinese Communist Patty, the Saudi’s who financed 9/11 attack, the Bush, Carlucci Carlyle Group, the secret armies of NATO Gladio, and the interlocking Board members, owners and managers of the advertising, PR, and media industry monopoly and political warfare billionaires whose corrupt takings of the global private equity has been enabled and covered up by interlocking intelligence systems like SWIFT. See David Webb’s The Taking. I think our only hope is to “claw back” our public estate they have taken by allowing me, Ellen Corley to be the appointed Head of the Oversight Agency called the Office of Professional Responsibility that has the power and responsibility to do the comprehensive internal investigations claw back what David Roger Webb calls The Great Taking by prosecuting using RICO laws the entire international Central Banking system and using the bank’s technology that was built off pirated Inslaw. Our only hope is to do what the corrupt banks have not done which is to investigate themselves. What is key is that we work with people like @KatherineAustinFitts, @JulianAssange, @EdwardSnowden, @JeffGates, @SteveCorbett, @ChristopherBollyn, @ChristopherWyngate, @AlexJones, PeterDaleScott, @DavidRogersWebb, William Hamilton, Peter Osborne and the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and me @EllenCorley who will investigate as a crime of Grand Public Larceny / fraud, the Deep State actors and institutions behind the vast Rightwing conspiracy behind the State Crime Against Democracy,
The official UN International Criminal Court criminal justice investigation will start by investigating the financial system crimes committed by the U.S. , Israel, and the members of the National Security Council audit will be comprehensive focusing on crimes against Palestine.
Erika Wulff Jones
What do you think about this information? 😱
5/3/24, 3:23 PM
My biggest idea ever - How we can bring down the Deep State by prosecuting the way the Israel Lobby kills and smears those who like Danny Casolaro who try to expose the DOJ’s & CIA’s & Mossad’s illegal use of Inslaw’s PROMIS Main Core software with IRS database in Martinsberg West Virginia to rig elections for RNC and DNC Trump Biden Bush & SCOTUS
I just had the most critical insight writing about this as as it has done many times before, the Facebook post disappeared before I sent it, but what’s critical is the actionable insight i got writing it which is that I know why Danny Casolaro was killed.
The head of the #Octopus DannyCasolaro was planning to bring back from Martinsberg, West Virginia was that the PROMIS software was being used at the IRS national data center to enable the #AIPAC #Israel Lobby’s Deep State operatives associated with the CIA and the Mossad Unit 8200 and Big Tech social media operations like Robert Mercer, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump and the Clinton’s and Rupert Murdoch to develop illegal systems like Facebook Cambridge Analytica SCL Elections system that was used by the Republican Party’s Trump campaign manager, Andrew Karp, with Facebook, Cambridge Analytica SCL Elections owned by Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer, to capture democracies worldwide by controlling which candidates will win elections.
The evidence we need to bring down the incumbents in both parties can be easily proved by looking at the way both political parties and their incumbents have illegally used the Inslaw PROMIS software to build their direct marketing campaigns, and blackmail their opponents, and falsely label those that oppose the Israel
lobbies Pro-Israel Militant Zionist foreign policies as being Anti-Semitic which they then message their Sayanem and Katsas to target and assassinate and terrorize.
The bottom line is we have to find a way to get this prosecuted now starting with determining whether Merrick Garland has the integrity to prosecute this. If he is too captured to prosecute this, we in the independent alternative media need to get the word to the student protestors that we need to get this PROMISgate case and the way the Israel Libby has used it to rig our democracy by capturing our candidates by capturing our campaign financing direct mail campaign finance system using illegal use of our IRS tax data.
I, Ellen Corley, can be contacted for more information. I can be reached at my ResearchWorks home office in Chicago, 312-371-5078, @ellencorley.
We need to find Justice Department prosecutor and an ICC / ICJ and an Independent Special prosecutor with the integrity to prosecute the Israel lobby and the party machine and probably both parties if we can determine through discovery that they used the IRS database in Martinsberg, West Virginia to build the ultimate illegal election rigging and campaign messaging and public opinion disinformation application.
This is what I wrote to Alex Jones earlier:
This sounds very plausible and very horrifying. We need all the news be covering this. It is being covered up in the news since corrupt CIA operative William Casey & Reagan DOJ operatives tricked Congress and the people into covertly repealing the FCC Fairness Doctrine and replaced #FCC with USAGM U.S.Agency for Global Media which was authorized to oversee propaganda media RFE/RL and CIA BND Operation Gladio’s Reinhard Gehlen’s VOA which was not supposed to be allowed in US. This fake intelligence is driving disinformation of American foreign policy and National Security Act spending on NATO/ UN Contract with America’s National Security Revitalization Act #appropriations for their #racketeering, arms trafficking and money laundering through their AI #PROMIS #Palantir #Cybertechnology-captured #IMF World Bank #BIS #Central Bank Federal Reserve Big Bank money laundering dirty wars and covert operations for global Cabal which is a criminal syndicate for the Israel Lobby including AIPAC and the Mega Group exposed by @_WhitneyWebb @UnlimitedHangout, @RyanDawson, @WalterHixson, @GrantSmith, John Meirsheimer that has captured and now controls our political decision making and decision makers through their secret Revisionist Zionist Executive Orders like 1981 Executive Order 12333 and the globalist private supply side NGO’s 501-C3 neoliberal neocon interest groups like Manhattan Institute and Federalist Society whose tax write-offs are being systematically diverted legally and covered up through AI banking system software systems like SWIFT, AllTel, Systematics built off the PROMIS Main Core system by Israel’s Unit 8200 and and CIA In-Q-Tel working with front groups of the DOJ, CIA, Israeli IDF, Mossad, LAKAM and intelligence agencies using Trojan Horse PROMIS software sold to them by Robert Maxwell Israel’s Superspy who through corruption conspiracy and DOJ, CIA, DoD, 1981 Executive Order 12333-shielded racketeering by Rafi Eitan, Earl Brian, Ed Meese, George HW Bush, sold PROMIS to the real enemies of US state including Al Qaeda, the Godfathers of the Russian Jewish Mafia syndicate named in the Mueller Report and the KGB, the intelligence agencies of the Chinese Communist Patty, the Saudi’s who financed 9/11 attack, the Bush, Carlucci Carlyle Group, the secret armies of NATO Gladio, and the interlocking Board members, owners and managers of the advertising, PR, and media industry monopoly and political warfare billionaires whose corrupt takings of the global private equity has been enabled and covered up by interlocking intelligence systems like SWIFT. See David Webb’s The Taking. I think our only hope is to “claw back” our public estate they have taken by allowing me, Ellen Corley to be the appointed Head of the Oversight Agency called the Office of Professional Responsibility that has the power and responsibility to do the comprehensive internal investigations claw back what David Roger Webb calls The Great Taking by prosecuting using RICO laws the entire international Central Banking system and using the bank’s technology that was built off pirated Inslaw. Our only hope is to do what the corrupt banks have not done which is to investigate themselves. What is key is that we work with people like @KatherineAustinFitts, @JulianAssange, @EdwardSnowden, @JeffGates, @SteveCorbett, @ChristopherBollyn, @ChristopherWyngate, @AlexJones, PeterDaleScott, @DavidRogersWebb, William Hamilton, Peter Osborne and the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and me @EllenCorley who will investigate as a crime of Grand Public Larceny / fraud, the Deep State actors and institutions behind the vast Rightwing conspiracy behind the State Crime Against Democracy,
The official UN International Criminal Court criminal justice investigation will start by investigating the financial system crimes committed by the U.S. , Israel, and the members of the National Security Council audit will be comprehensive focusing on crimes against Palestine.
Sent from my iPhone