A scientific advisory board has called on the European Union to halt solar geoengineering technologies while calling for a “global governance system” to tackle the issue.
The utter gall of these organizations, they have not a care in the world for their fellows. But then we are the ones who fund them and it seems like we're not talking about how to change that. We can't expect the villains to make the first good move. I would love to talk about the things we can do to reacquire our power that we handed over to those turkeys. Thanks for what you do Derrick. You are a voice to be heard in this ocean of pretenders.
Thanks Derrick for keeping us on our toes. Geoengineering IS dangerous and is ruining our soil, and making fires more likely and harder to put out, but your main point is well taken. The globalists, eugenicists, weapons and chaos merchants, technocrats and war mongers, will take any threat (to them) of growing awareness in the general public of REAL dangers we face (that they often create), and attempt to turn it to their advantage. They are very good at using what they call "science" to feed us illogical reasoning marketed as "expert advice". Maybe they even believe their own lies in their obsession to trap and expunge people.
Maybe I'm being thick headed (or gas lighted) but in the comment below the commenter is seeming to blame China in planting enough trees to reclaim a desert, for our own troubles in the west. We don't need any more aggression towards China. We do need more trees!!!! It seems like if we also engaged upon the proper research as to what flora would be most benefical for our own lands and irrigated and reclaimed our own lands, we could stop the endless drought, flood cycles. The main thing here is that every nation, country, state, city, town and individual needs to get its own house in order, with sovreignty and rights first, instead of lumping everything together in some technocratic nightmare where the ones in control are not us but "masters" who would prefer our enslavement and demise. Thanks.
by stating I have been at various times in my long natural resources career, an educator and instructor. I also was a presenter on climate mitigation and solar residential work with Dr. William W. Kellogg back when it was pushed forward by the Aspen Institute as a climate concern called The Greenhouse Effect. I was also, based on the data available a number of years ago, a signatory to the Scientists Call for a Climate Emergency. I have since then had my name removed when I realized this is a concern and it appears not as settled science in my opinion.
That said, what I post below is to me, living in the high New Mexico desert, an emergency. I don't say that lightly having been a water reservoir study project manager in my state with Bohannon Huston, a natural resources inventory creator and analyst for part of our states Water Plan on the Lower Rio Chama, and with citizens groups helping to stop a fracking permitting process in our geologically complex and critical middle Rio Grande acquifer. I used to work BLM lands and realty so I have a good knowledge where this fracking work can be done with much less of a threat.
So, onto, the emergency that I call The Big Dry.
I recently made a comment feedback to the
New World Encyclopedia 12/12/2024 (for the Taklamakhan desert, a huge desert in far western China about the size of the state of New Mexico.)
"This is in serious need of a critical update. The Chinese government since 2014 has known about the discovery that the dust from the Taklamakhan is a critical component to western USA rainfall events.
The continuation of desert reclamation in this area by China is a threat to the national security of the USA in terms of sustainability of human settlements hydropower, irrigation and biodiversity..It further is in general violation of a number of the Stockholm Declaration Principles."
There is Senator, this information I ran across reading my High Country News. It's a long article but trust me when I note it's importance, particularly the discovery of our dust cloud seed nuclei of K-feldspar.
Now, this work by the Chinese on desert reclamation has been
going on since 1978. (a time period in which the U.S. Senate was considering an international treaty to address environmental impact review of major technological' industrial changes. I was studying at the time the National Environmental Policy Act and was also a research assistant for a professor working policy for FLMPA)
Now we also know that the Taklamakhan windbreak project completed November 2024 is expanding to shelter belt work and continues to 2050. Good from China's technocratic approach but to me it's a full on catastrophe in the making for the western USA.
That isn't what the atmospheric chemist discovered. Read the hcn article please. Ice nucleation happens in clouds that then beget rain. Without that in the western USA you get The Big Dry. Nothing for the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to bind to.
Another curiousity for us to think about the paleobotanists investigating aound in the Taklamakhan found former forested areas that were over 600 years old. That as I recall was when the puebloan cultures moved from places like Chaco Canyon.
Won't get away with it. Nowhere to hide. Space won't even have "them"...
Whether in collusion or not, our U.S. military has allowed THOUSANDS of those things (drones) to do as they please for decades. It's just gotten absurdly obvious the last handful of years to push the agendas.
The damage has and is still being done, nobody's stopping it QUITE yet, until it can do some more HARM...
And it's tied to everything else, weaponized.
They're overstepping their bounds with the "carastrophes" or "arson", it's just straight up terrorism.
They're going to try to patsy or scapegoat, but we're not settling for small fries or big head puppet players. I want what's BEHIND it, even if it's REALLY SCARY.
The utter gall of these organizations, they have not a care in the world for their fellows. But then we are the ones who fund them and it seems like we're not talking about how to change that. We can't expect the villains to make the first good move. I would love to talk about the things we can do to reacquire our power that we handed over to those turkeys. Thanks for what you do Derrick. You are a voice to be heard in this ocean of pretenders.
Agree - thanks
Thanks Derrick for keeping us on our toes. Geoengineering IS dangerous and is ruining our soil, and making fires more likely and harder to put out, but your main point is well taken. The globalists, eugenicists, weapons and chaos merchants, technocrats and war mongers, will take any threat (to them) of growing awareness in the general public of REAL dangers we face (that they often create), and attempt to turn it to their advantage. They are very good at using what they call "science" to feed us illogical reasoning marketed as "expert advice". Maybe they even believe their own lies in their obsession to trap and expunge people.
Maybe I'm being thick headed (or gas lighted) but in the comment below the commenter is seeming to blame China in planting enough trees to reclaim a desert, for our own troubles in the west. We don't need any more aggression towards China. We do need more trees!!!! It seems like if we also engaged upon the proper research as to what flora would be most benefical for our own lands and irrigated and reclaimed our own lands, we could stop the endless drought, flood cycles. The main thing here is that every nation, country, state, city, town and individual needs to get its own house in order, with sovreignty and rights first, instead of lumping everything together in some technocratic nightmare where the ones in control are not us but "masters" who would prefer our enslavement and demise. Thanks.
Thank you. Currently captive to LA fire aftermath.
Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner published 1986 Viking Press
Building a desert city & the wealth of water.....
will preface this
by stating I have been at various times in my long natural resources career, an educator and instructor. I also was a presenter on climate mitigation and solar residential work with Dr. William W. Kellogg back when it was pushed forward by the Aspen Institute as a climate concern called The Greenhouse Effect. I was also, based on the data available a number of years ago, a signatory to the Scientists Call for a Climate Emergency. I have since then had my name removed when I realized this is a concern and it appears not as settled science in my opinion.
That said, what I post below is to me, living in the high New Mexico desert, an emergency. I don't say that lightly having been a water reservoir study project manager in my state with Bohannon Huston, a natural resources inventory creator and analyst for part of our states Water Plan on the Lower Rio Chama, and with citizens groups helping to stop a fracking permitting process in our geologically complex and critical middle Rio Grande acquifer. I used to work BLM lands and realty so I have a good knowledge where this fracking work can be done with much less of a threat.
So, onto, the emergency that I call The Big Dry.
I recently made a comment feedback to the
New World Encyclopedia 12/12/2024 (for the Taklamakhan desert, a huge desert in far western China about the size of the state of New Mexico.)
"This is in serious need of a critical update. The Chinese government since 2014 has known about the discovery that the dust from the Taklamakhan is a critical component to western USA rainfall events.
The continuation of desert reclamation in this area by China is a threat to the national security of the USA in terms of sustainability of human settlements hydropower, irrigation and biodiversity..It further is in general violation of a number of the Stockholm Declaration Principles."
There is Senator, this information I ran across reading my High Country News. It's a long article but trust me when I note it's importance, particularly the discovery of our dust cloud seed nuclei of K-feldspar.
Now, this work by the Chinese on desert reclamation has been
going on since 1978. (a time period in which the U.S. Senate was considering an international treaty to address environmental impact review of major technological' industrial changes. I was studying at the time the National Environmental Policy Act and was also a research assistant for a professor working policy for FLMPA)
Now we also know that the Taklamakhan windbreak project completed November 2024 is expanding to shelter belt work and continues to 2050. Good from China's technocratic approach but to me it's a full on catastrophe in the making for the western USA.
Thanks for your time.
Dust is only needed for snow , rain will rain out as it runs into a mountain range.
That isn't what the atmospheric chemist discovered. Read the hcn article please. Ice nucleation happens in clouds that then beget rain. Without that in the western USA you get The Big Dry. Nothing for the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to bind to.
Another curiousity for us to think about the paleobotanists investigating aound in the Taklamakhan found former forested areas that were over 600 years old. That as I recall was when the puebloan cultures moved from places like Chaco Canyon.
How do you call for a moratorium on something yet to be announced to the public?
[sarcastic, cynical, sinister laugh here...]
Won't get away with it. Nowhere to hide. Space won't even have "them"...
Whether in collusion or not, our U.S. military has allowed THOUSANDS of those things (drones) to do as they please for decades. It's just gotten absurdly obvious the last handful of years to push the agendas.
The damage has and is still being done, nobody's stopping it QUITE yet, until it can do some more HARM...
And it's tied to everything else, weaponized.
They're overstepping their bounds with the "carastrophes" or "arson", it's just straight up terrorism.
They're going to try to patsy or scapegoat, but we're not settling for small fries or big head puppet players. I want what's BEHIND it, even if it's REALLY SCARY.