Well done show!

This is how they keep people asleep but it's changing and I think Ryan is right... The perceived majority is actually a smaller and smaller minority these days.


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Great interview, thank you! J.C., at the end....you hit on the most important thing to do, which is ground yourself. Planting seeds, showing up for your brothers and sisters locally....these are putting your feet firmly to Earth and strengthening that channel that sustains. It makes a huge difference in staying balanced while the chaos spins wildly all around. The more people stop paying attention to all that crazy shit, the more that people stop trying to 'figure it out', the more solid our foundations become. - the toxic feminine and toxic masculine archetypes are raging into solid crystalized form right now; this is what we are watching playing out on the world stage with the beating of the war drums and the harpy attacks; screams for blood and vengeance are getting louder and louder in the collective. These shadow energies have inverted the Divine archetypes for far too long; Universal, Cosmic Laws have been weaponized against humanity, and against Earth. It is a great revealing that has to be seen before it can dissolve.....and dissolve it will. Meanwhile, though; we all have to keep on walking each other home. Every single night. For as long as it takes.

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Here are the TEN PLANKS of the COMMUNIST PARTY. See anything familiar & applicable today, to the USA ?

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.

Respectful, Kind & Appreciative Regards

FMR Intelligence Officer

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Socialism for the rich, rugged capitalism for the working class is what the West has.

And fascism/oligarchy which is what we have also drops taxes on the wealthy while increasing working class taxes....

Combination of agriculture with industry is capitalism it's all privatized... Though the commies did it too. I would rather the state do it than cargill.

Centralized transport... Well when they deregulated railroads, the amounts of toxic spills and derailments went up. Same in England.... Privatized the trains and prices went up and service went down.

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Dear Fellow Truth & Liberty Friends and Patriots,

Tragically, Mr. Trump is sorely ignorant of the principles of the Right to Life per Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The MIC and Deep State have already put the American people in the same position advocated by the WER: "You will own nothing and be happy." Americans do NOT own or have dominion over what they "Believe" to be property rights. The MKTS stopped issuing paper Stock certificates , bonds or Treasury Notes. WHY? Because when those certificates were issued to the purchaser, that purchaser had in their possession.... PROOF of Ownership and possession of same.

Now, every Thing related to "purchasing" and "investments" in the markets are all done with electronic money, which is all in possession of the State i.e., Central Bank. Now, no one owns or has proof of possession of any Thing. It is all electronic 'Modern Money'. Just like the story "The Emperor's New Clothes", the U.S. Empire now has "invisible" electronic Money, and secretly control the quantity of this invisible money in the hands of the pubic via a host of electronic removal techniques: alla 1. collection of mortgage interest rates to the billions, confiscation of investment property rights in the markets, currency destruction via inflation, and so forth. Last train out for D.S. and MIC staying in control of currency quantity and purchasing power is: CBDC's. Neither Trump nor Biden / Harris have a clue as to how the DS confiscates public "Money" and concentrates purchasing power in the D.S. hands. I could go on and on.

My 40 year research projects proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Markets are 100% controlled, 100% electronic, and are as empty of Real Wealth as a folded paper bag.

Respectful, Kind Regards to All, FMR Intelligence Officer

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what a line up. all my favs in one place!

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I really enjoyed this discussion. I certainly didn’t agree with everything that was said, BUT, now that I have had a chance to digest the content, I am coming to understand the importance of this conversation.

I am trying to get out of the matrix but I still rely on the income from my job. I do have a plan though to get off of the grid so to speak starting with my one acre property.

My husband and a few friends and family are of this mindset. The current political and socio-economic climate can’t be changed from within. There is too much concentrated power in the hands of too few people.

I’m at the age now where I am close to retirement and no one is dependent upon me financially except my husband. I’m a crazy old cat lady that just wants to live free and in harmony with the natural world. Truth is paramount in this endeavor and finding truth is like finding a pearl in an oyster….it is there but how many oysters must you crack to find that pearl of truth?

You all have inspired me to do more.

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Politricks is a waste of time.

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I really wanted to hear your guys' take on the assassination attempt or whatever it was.

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This was an amazing conversation, Derrick.

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Such an interesting conversation with a wonderful group. Thank you so much!

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I've found RyanDawsonFilm informative - ancreport.com

And Steven D Kelley #occupythegetty exposing the two party collaboration

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Thank you.

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What happened to Whitney?

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she couldn't make it because of a conflict.

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Regret that she couldn't make it, but looking forward to listening.

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Interesting conversation Derrick!

When President Trump announced in 2015 I had a distinct and unusual prompting from Heavenly Father that he wanted me to support him in every possible way.

I had been snookered by the UNI Party and was confused as we all were for many years.

I also had a spiritual experience around Q and John F Kennedy Jr still being alive after going into hiding when the Clintons were going to kill him for standing in Hillary’s way as she prepared a Senate run after carpet bagging her way into New York Politics.

I am open to the idea of my spiritual promptings being off.

But everything I have witnessed these past nine years has only solidified my belief that a group of people are avenging JFK’s murder and yanking the deep state into the light.

You know how much respect I have for you and your work.

I look forward to being vindicated in my beliefs (if only so my husband and sons will stop making fun of me for being a Q believer).

We shall see!


Jenny Hatch

PS There is another trafficking case bubbling up in Utah that is tangential to the Hamblin case. I have been systematically interviewing all of the victims. It would be so great if you could shine your mighty light on it!


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Trump recommended the often lethal, DNA editing injections to millions but knew to avoid them himself & no doubt collected mlions from the oharma companies for the increased vax sales. A few women have accused Trump of se ual assault & he was recorded saying 'just grab them by the pussy', he makes sexual comments about his own daughter,he put thousands of even very young chikdren in cages at the border & 1000 at least have never beenreunitedwith their parents years later, he lies & boasts as often as he breathes....Yet millions of Americans believe he is sent by God...No wonder psychopaths rule the world when voters love demons.

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