Good read. This is the problem I had with Christianity and the church for so very long... Just because something has the label "Christian," doesn't mean it's good and doesn't mean those people follow Christ's example. And it also doesn't make the bible or Jesus any less valuable teachers; rather it just shows how fallible even people who claim to be Christian really are.

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I am reading the book, We Were Once A Family, now. In it the mother is convinced to sign for TPR under the idea that it will allow an aunt to adopt the children. Instead, the children are quickly adopted and moved from TX to MN. The adoptive family abuses them and ends up driving them off a cliff.

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So many incredibly troubling things going on in this area. In Georgia, there are many families who have been subjected to the medical kidnap of their children on the advice of a Child Abuse Practitioner, even when it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that healed bone fractures were due to birth trauma or even happened in utero. Spike Cohen's organization--You are the Power--is trying to help these families to get their children back. His pleas to the governor to meet with them and listen have fallen on deaf ears. This is in a state where thousands of children were "lost" in the foster care system during the covid lockdowns. Also a state where the first lady claims to be dedicated to the cause of human trafficking.

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This is incredibly sad. I went through a similar situation. CPS did an illegal search of my home while I was at the hospital for my 1 year old son who cut his eye while being babysat by a boyfriend. I was a young mother and the social worker swooped in like a predator and tried to trap me with her line of questioning. I lost my son that night and it completely upended mine and his life. The social worker likely assumed my son’s Dad was not in the picture but luckily his dad was able to take him. His dad though, never would work with me so I could be part of his life.

Now My son has serious anxiety issues at 21 years old and I have beaten myself up since that night, and fallen into deep depression and addiction trying to cope with that terrible night.

If I had just not taken him to the hospital and superglued the little cut on his eyebrow, he and I would have had a completely different life.

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My heart goes out to you.

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