I've dealt with this horrible woman who is not a journalist multiple times and have sensed the evil that possesses her. She is a demonic apologist for child abuse, big pharma, the sexual transitioning of children, and all the predictable evils that attack moral civilization.

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You are far nicer and more sincere than my imagination would like to see. I'd like to see someone ask her all of the questions and pin down her two faced business of character assassination for hire. I'd like to see her questioned like Rand did to Fauci.

Even if you said all of the right things, I am convinced that it was a foregone conclusion what her article would be about. She just wanted you to show up so she could say she talked to you. She likely waited like a trap, to grab the quotes needed, to fit the frame she had already prepared.

Someone employed to do malicious and hollow work is spiritually unemployed. I wonder, did she ever dream of contributing to the good of the world? What a shame to spend a life shying away from the kind of work that dignifies oneself and others.

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Fantastic...I skim a lot of articles. This one was read from begging beginning to end...

I sent another contact form btw... Did you see that one,?

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Very interesting read. I believe the conversation highlights how un-objective many "mainstream" journalists are, by bringing in elements that aren't event part of the case to, as you say, to "poison the well". You can see this tactic being used in so many ways to get the reader to shut down and dismiss the information. And, to defer to an authority on whether information is true or not, is the antithesis of what true reporting is. Great job and responses Derrick.

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Brandy Zadrozny is not a legitimate journalist. She is an apologist for evil. The Nationalist Broadcasting Company is not a legitimate news organisation. It is a part of the military industrial financial pharmaceutical complex and paid to attack truth tellers and human decency. No one should watch it or visit its web sites. These are people who hate humanity and want to enslave mankind. They should be shunned and ostracized.

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