Tomorrow I am launching the 45-Day Exit and Build Challenge!
Tune in to The Conscious Resistance on Odysee, YouTube, or Twitter at 11 am US Central/ 5 pm UK time for the first session focused on food!
We will start with an introduction to the Exit and Build concept, and then how it applies to your food supply. This is a crucial piece of the Exit and Build path and that is why we are starting with it.
For the next 7 Friday's I will break down the Exit and Build strategy from a holistic perspective.
Here's an outline of each week:
Week 1: Food
Week 2: Money
Week 3: Technology
Week 4: Land
Week 5: Education & Knowledge
Week 6: Mindset & Habits
Week 7: Thinking Holistically
We look forward to diving deep into this concept with each of you. In the mean time, if you want to learn more before the challenge, read or listen to my book How To Opt Out of the Technocratic State here.
Are you planning on doing replays for these? I'm hoping to watch what I can but while at work is tough.