Out of all the people who sent me positive messages regarding me losing my gig at TLAV, I got a few people like this.
Here's my response in case anyone else feels similarly:
I have a real job. It's called journalism. I just lost my salaried job because we are under attack.
Journalism has been historically funded by rich benefactors, or advertising in corporate media.
Since I have neither of those (nor desire them), my indy media work has been funded by the people. This is the beauty of the internet. People can invest in me and they get something in return - articles, documentaries, and books.
This is an exchange, not a charity.
Thanks to those who have been supporting over the last 24 hours!
Good luck, mate! As Aussie I only fund in Australia, coz I'm poor 🤗 but I wish we ALL helped fund a credible Resistance to this Evil Cabal seeking the reduction of Humanity. I don't even read MSM anymore, except to see the bs live.
You're right about your request. As a social scientist, I have only conducted research and had to rely on assistance. What's wrong with that?