Something that rarely gets mentioned is how Alex Jones spent new year 2000: trying to generate hysteria around the ‘millennium bug’ very much in the style of H G Wells and his infamous War of The Worlds. Shameless and reckless to put it mildly
The guy who “well he got a lot of stuff right” had a platform and he had on all the ‘conspiracy’ people and just selectively parroted them.
And the guy who ‘predicted 9/11’ after hearing Bill Cooper do just that, spent some of 9/11/01 blaming the EU for the attack and saying if Iran was involved ‘we’ should turn them ‘to glass’
I cannot sum him up politely so I’ll just say he is a toxic liar
I don't trust Donald Trump, Elon Musk nor Alex Jones, RFK, Jr., none of them, they are all controlled!
Something that rarely gets mentioned is how Alex Jones spent new year 2000: trying to generate hysteria around the ‘millennium bug’ very much in the style of H G Wells and his infamous War of The Worlds. Shameless and reckless to put it mildly
The guy who “well he got a lot of stuff right” had a platform and he had on all the ‘conspiracy’ people and just selectively parroted them.
And the guy who ‘predicted 9/11’ after hearing Bill Cooper do just that, spent some of 9/11/01 blaming the EU for the attack and saying if Iran was involved ‘we’ should turn them ‘to glass’
I cannot sum him up politely so I’ll just say he is a toxic liar