
Houston Mayoral Candidate Derrick Broze explains the goals of his campaign and some of the issues he is bringing to the 2023 Houston Mayoral race.

The Broze for Mayor campaign is tackling numerous issues, including:

The People
– Amend the City Charter to Reduce the Power of the Mayors Office, Returning Power to the People of Houston

– Overturn the City’s Anti-Food Sharing Ordinance

– Defend Individual Liberty, Freedom of Speech, and Bodily Autonomy

Flooding, Food, and the Environment
– Regenerate Houston by addressing flooding, food insecurity, and environmental concerns with permaculture, native plants and hemp, & increasing community gardens

Crime and the Police
-Address Rising Crime by Ending Wasteful HPD Contracts, Decriminalizing Cannabis, and Redirecting Resources Towards Violent Crime and Human Trafficking

– End Dangerous “No Knock Raids” which endanger Police and Houstonians

Read more about the issues the Broze for Mayor campaign is discussing.

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