
What is a Freedom Cell?

Think of it as your activist support network.

The Freedom Cell Network is an organized yet decentralized movement of mutual aid groups offering education and skill sharing with the mission to promote freedom through self sufficiency, economic empowerment and peaceful activism.

Freedom Cells are local, self-directed peer to peer groups of approximately 8 people.

Cell members organize themselves in a decentralized manner with no member having authority over other participants. The cells work towards empowering one another and the network as a whole. Through education, peaceful non-compliance, and the creation of parallel institutions. Think of it as your activist support network.

Local cells work together to accomplish common goals, including but not limited to:

  • hosting skill shares

  • ensuring food storage 

  • setting up encrypted communications

  • creating emergency plans 

  • learning self defense methods

All the while, cell members make themselves readily available to render mutual aid to their tribe, in whatever form that may come.

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As the group expands beyond the initial 8 members, or the “inner cadre”, they begin to organize themselves into additional cells. These individual cells form organically and may be focused on special interests (parenting, crypto, prepping),  geographic location, or creating alternative institutions. For example, a cell might start a local marketplace for exchanging goods or parents in a cell may pull their kids out of government school and form a homeschool coop. Freedom Cell members are encouraged to build parallel institutions so as to create resiliency and independence within the network.

Our mantra is “Assume Everyone knows the problems, Focus on the Solutions!”

To join the network: Register on the site, create your profile, connect with others in your area, and begin creating your own cells.

Through building and supporting alternative systems such as local food networks, health services, mutual defense groups, counter-economies and communication networks, Freedom Cell members will be able to decouple themselves from the state and other institutions they deem unworthy of their support.

Once groups become large enough in numbers, it becomes possible for participants to opt out in mass and provide for their common wants and needs through the new systems they have created. 

The ultimate goal of the network is to build the parallel systems capable of securing the freedom of community members for generations to come. We are building our own free society.

This is what we call The Freedom Cell Network. Join us.

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